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Head Teacher's Blog!

End of term Tuesday 25th July 2017

So, this is my final blog!

Yesterday we had an amazing day.  It started with the dress rehearsal for the ‘Graduation 2017’.  The year 6 children shone in front of the whole school, but then they absolutely smashed it in their evening performance.  The singing was stunning and the dance moves were really ‘slick’.  I was incredibly proud of them all.  As always the graduation was very well attended, it was great to see so many of you.

Yesterday afternoon was movie afternoon for the 97+% attendance children.  It was really good and they all really enjoyed it.

This morning started with ‘Beauvale’s Got Talent’ and what an incredible event it was too!  11 superb acts made it through to the final and it was excellent.

This afternoon was my very own ‘Gold Book’ which was incredibly emotional.  I have been absolutely inundated with gifts and cards and feel very lucky indeed.  I will always hold very fond memories of my time here.

I will of course miss the children, staff and families here at Greasley Beauvale and I am delighted to be leaving it in such capable hands.


Have a great summer and I wish you all the very best.


Mrs Donna Chambers
Head Teacher
