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Head Teacher's Blog

A huge welcome back to the spring term of 2024. We hope that you have had a fabulous Christmas and enjoyed time with your friends and loved ones. Despite the rubbish weather, we hope that you managed some family time and made some special memories. 


This week has been a busy first week back and Rainbow Rewards this morning was fabulous to hear the progress that children are making towards some of the school's priorities and targets. These now include:


* Developments in writing (including handwriting and spelling procedures and practice)


* Moving around school sensibly and sitting in lessons in a way that shows engagement and contribution


* Looking after our equipment and property


* Thinking about how the brain works; how we think and how we remember and use knowledge that we are taught


Following our first Rainbow Rewards assembly, we also looked at the tally for the achievements in each of our Rainbow Values. As a school, we all decided that we needed to think a little more about:


* Inclusive yet Individual 


* Believe in Yourself


* Overcome your Obstacles 


A great first week back. Why not look at the newsletter written by the office:


Head Teacher Awards for the first week back in 2024:


Ella - Indigo 2 - For producing some amazing work on Sleeping Beauty. Ella has worked really hard to produce her own piece of writing. Well done, Ella


Isabella - Yellow 2 - For writing fantastic independent sentences about dodo. Isabella has shown determination to complete 2 sentences today and last week.


Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Bates
