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Head Teacher's Blog

An absolutely SUPER week this week getting back into the swing of things!! 


We still felt like we had lots to celebrate with the success of the joke off and media coverage throughout the holiday. On the return to school, I had three lovely emails of the following nature:


1) An email from Gem 106 inviting 5 of our children to be on the radio next week to take part in Jo and Sparky's 'Kids Tell Fibs' - how amazing!!


2) An email from a lovely gentleman in Worcestershire celebrating our success of being on the TV with a winning Beano joke. He sent the following through, which I thought was BRILLIANT:


"Many congratulations to Olly, his year 3 classmates, Mrs Bates and the rest of the school team on your award. It's so good to see ordinary kids coming up with such a funny joke. 


As an elderly gardener with a sense of humour, not even l came up with the answer, as l watched the BBC interview. The pupils and teachers who were involved are a credit to your school. Good luck to the school and all the staff for the future.


Doug in Worcestershire."


And finally...


3) An email from the Broxtowe MP, Darren Henry, getting in touch to say he saw us on the TV too and wanted to meet us all. He will be in school later this month to celebrate our success with us, hear some jokes and see our prizes. 


"I have seen through the news that one of your pupils and his class have recently been crowned winners of the Beano’s joke of the year! I’d like to pass my congratulations onto Oliver and the class..."


Today, we sadly said goodbye to Mrs Henaghan as she departed Reception due to an end of a temporary contract and personal reasons. She has been with us now for some time as a midday and a TA and has been an asset to the team. She will be greatly missed by the staff, children and parents. 


Staffing is currently being looked at and by next week all decisions will be made and ready for communication in the next few weeks as we start to approach the end of term (how has that happened!) 


Have a lovely sunny weekend (and remember what we tell the children...sun hat, cream, hydration and maybe your shades!) 


Take care,


Mrs Bates 
