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Head Teacher's Blog

Today, there have been lots of things going on:


- Press releases for us having the funniest BEANO class in Britain (shared separately);

- Year 2 children finishing their SATs;

- Year 5 being on their enrichment trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park;

- Year 6 having their afterschool parent meeting in preparation for their residential to Edale.


As for the Year 2 children, I am so proud of them and their conduct during the Year 2 SATs. Along with the staff, they have all worked hard and showed the drive to do their absolute best during the assessments.  


Like with the Year 6 children, they showed determination and perseverance and were exceptionally calm and hard-working. They saw the tests as challenges, which were not going to beat them. 


In the same way as the Year 6 children, they have:


* Shown Respect and Acceptance to everyone (and each other)

* Definitely shown their Active Bodies and Active Minds 

* Been Inclusive and Individual to everyone and cared for each other

* Certainly shown how they have Nurtured, Developed and Grown their talents, knowledge and skills over their time in KS1

* Demonstrated Belief in Themselves

* Overcame many Obstacles at different points during the build up and the actual tests

* Definitely shown that Wonder and Curiosity is key to success 


Well done, children!!


Keep up the hard work for the rest of the year as you prepare and get ready for KS2 :)


Mrs Bates 
