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Head Teacher's Blog

A truly magical week in school. This week, I have watched the Reception and Year 1 children perform their Christmas nativity and I think everyone would agree, it was delightful! There were so many confident speakers and performers and the singing was beautifully executed! 


Willow got a special mention for her solo, as did Jemima and Abigail when they stepped in at the last minute with their duet. 


Reg was the best camel I have ever seen and his dancing lit up the room with smiles and enjoyment. 


A huge well done to the whole team for supporting the performance and to Miss Watson and Miss Gell for leading it! 


Along with our performances, we also had our Key stage 2 children visit the Mansfield Palace Theatre this year to see the pantomime 'Peter Pan'. The children enjoyed the show, jokes, laughs and performances, whilst also maintaining the three school rules of being 'Ready, Respectful and Safe'. I was so incredibly proud of the children and they couldn't have been even better behaved (especially with other noisy members of the audience!).


Christmas really is building up momentum now! Next week, we enter the penultimate week before we break up for the festivities and we have so much more to squeeze in...'One Bright Star' in church, the Reception and KS1 visit to Lakeside for the performance of 'The Singing Mermaid' and carols and mince pies by the Christmas tree. 


We are on count down, but we don't stop until Wednesday 21st December when we break up.


Have a great weekend everyone and wrap up warm (it's going to be a cold one!) 


Take care,


Mrs Bates  
