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Head Teacher's Blog

Well, what a busy half term....


Today, we say goodbye to Mrs Stevenson (our current SENDCo) as she takes up her promotion within the Derbyshire Local Authority. Mrs Stevenson has been an asset to the team over the years, and we wish her all the luck for the future. I know the families, staff and children will be sad to see her leave and wish her a fond farewell. 


From the 31st of October, Miss Manson will be our new SENDCo, and we know that she will slip into this vital school role with professionalism and dedication. As a current Assistant Head, safeguarding, Early Help and ‘Looked After’ lead, she has a wealth of knowledge to bring to the table and she will no doubt thrive in this new role. She has been working alongside Mrs Stevenson this half term and already has started to work with the families and children on the Special Needs register


With maternity leave in mind, we also say goodbye for a while to Mrs Branigan today. She will commence her journey into motherhood at the start of the next half term and we wish her well. We cannot wait to hear of the celebratory news of a new addition to Team GB! In her place, we welcome Miss Kennedy to the team, who will teach in Orange 2 until Mrs Branigan returns. Miss Kennedy has been into school a couple of times over the last few weeks, and she has already started to learn the ropes and get to know the children.


It was lovely this week to have so many parents attend our first parents' evening in three years. Seeing everyone in the corridors was just delightful and so many parents said they enjoyed face-to-face contact again and loved seeing the work in books. Just over 80% of the parents came along and we are hoping for even more next time :) Thank you to everyone that came along to support their child's learning journey. 


Overall, it has been a great half term settling back into school life. Already, we have seen so many parents and carers in school on a Friday for Rainbow Rewards, at the ‘Meet the Teacher’ drop-in sessions at the start of the year and our reception families at the ‘Book and Buttie morning’.


I can't wait to see what Autumn Term 2 brings. Have a great holiday everyone and remember we return on the 31st October 2022. 


Happy family time, 


Mrs Bates 
