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Head Teacher's Blog

WOW...What a busy half term so far!


Well, what a busy start to the academic year of 2022-2023! I can't actually believe that we are approaching a half term holiday already and we are almost one 6th of the way through the year! 


School continues to create a buzz of energy and everyone really is deep in learning and soaking up the knowledge. Lessons continue to be exciting and enthusiastic and the children are learning to become more independent, whilst being curious and asking great questions. 


This week, I had the pleasure of witnessing first-hand the Stone Age day in year 3 and the Book & Buttie morning in Reception! :)


I have also been talking to some of our older children about how we might be able to engage our stakeholders more in school life and they asked, "What's a stakeholder?" I explained that stakeholders are very important to our school and consist of parents, staff, children, governors and members of our local community! We had some great conversations about how we could all work closer together and what we could maybe put on offer in school to support. I look forward to sharing more with you over the coming weeks. 


Next week, remember we have Parents' evenings on Tuesday and Wednesday (our first one in person in a long time!) So, please get in touch if you do not yet have an appointment. 


The wet and windy weather has started to arrive! Make sure you all have a great weekend 


Take care, 

Mrs Bates 




