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Head Teacher's Blog

Week Ending 1st July 2022



Head Teachers’ Awards this week have been awarded to:



Aleksi – Orange 2 – For a fabulously exciting piece of independent writing.


Harry – Yellow 1 – For his writing, based on the book ‘Ocean Meets Sky’. He has taken great care to include many details from the class book, plus his own ideas! All of this recorded with joined up handwriting and super pace!


Evie – Yellow 1 – For her diary entry based on the book, ‘Ocean Meets Sky’. She included thoughtful character descriptions. All of which were presented beautifully with joined up handwriting and careful spelling.


Lucy – Yellow 1 – for her progress in writing. It has been evident over the last couple of pieces that Lucy is now pushing herself to write at pace. However, she has managed to maintain superb content and presentation whilst writing more.


Imogen – Indigo 2 – For making amazing progress in maths! Her test results are a testament to her fantastic hard work and determination. What a super star!


Matilda – Yellow 2 – For creating 3 different movements in preparation for designing our own pop-up books. Matilda used careful attention to detail and imagination.


Hugo – Yellow 2 – For using his phonics to carefully write instructions to build a boat. Well done, Hugo!


George – Green 1 – For his incredible effort and determination in reading and writing. George has made amazing progress in reading and is showing great enthusiasm. He is taking any constructive criticism to better his writing.


The Playground Leaders – For being so incredibly organised and leading the younger children so well in playing and leading games for them at lunchtime.



This week has been assessment week – an opportunity for children to show what they have learnt and retained this term (and year), with the hope that expected progress has been made. Of course, not all children achieve their true potential in tests. Therefore, the NFER tests, that we use, help to inform teachers assessments, which will be shared with you at the end of the academic year when reports go home (Friday 15th July 2022).


During the afternoons, this week, it has been Multi-Faith Week, whereby we have learnt about different faiths across the world and the way in which religions view how the world was created. There have been many planned visitors, including:


YR      The bible story in school with Vicar Denise Dodd

Y1      Islam Visitor

Y2      The Creation Bible Story in school with Vicar Denise Dodd

Y3      Walk to St Marys to see Vicar Denise Dodd

Y4      Islam Visitor

Y5      Hindu Education Support Services 

Y6      Sikhs (SCYS) visitors

I have seen some of the visitors and workshops this week, and in many rooms you could ‘hear a pin drop’. We have spoken to the children about learning from people who ‘live and breathe’ these religions and how much we gain from true experiences. The children have looked at resources, tried clothing on, asked good questions, been reflective and showed true respect to the visitors. I have been very proud and experienced first-hand how well the week has been planned and received. Thanks to Mr Khan and Mr Honey for planning the week and arranging so many visits, visitors and workshops.


This afternoon, Mr Honey led a reflective assembly celebrating some of the work children had done over Multi-Faith Week. It was great that different children were able to bring/show/explain what they have learned about the creation story for the religion they have studied.


All in all, the children really showed their ability to be ‘Inclusive yet Individual’ and show their ‘Respect and Acceptance’.


I have been very proud of the whole school in many ways! Despite the children sitting through many assessments, it has been a great week and the children have really shone J



See you next week … get ready for Monday’s sports day! EXCITING… the first one in years! J


A reminder to view the communication about staffing for September 2022 (which is due to go out today). Children will find out their new class teacher on Tuesday and on Wednesday we will have our transition day, where children get to meet their new teacher in their new classroom.



Have a relaxing weekend, everyone!



Mrs Bates


