Week Ending 13th May 2022
Head Teachers’ Awards this week have been awarded to:
Freddie – Red 1 – For his beautiful letter formation and for trying his absolute best in his writing.
Riley – Yellow 2 – For blowing Miss Schofield away with his hard work and determination. Riley has really applied himself to solve column subtraction
Dylan – Red 2 – For working so hard to use finger spaces in his writing.
Reg – Red 2 – For his beautiful writing, with the use of full stops and capital letters. Reg has had such a positive attitude in phonics. We are so proud!
Isla – Red 2 - For her amazing effort with her creative writing in her independent learning time.
Lewis – Green 1 – For being constantly respectful. There is not a second in the school day when Lewis is not respectful and ready to learn. I am so proud of you, Lewis.
Jack – Red 2 – For choosing to do writing in his independent learning time. He chose to write instructions on planting a seed, which we did in spring!
Arthur – Red 2 – For his amazing focus in our phonics lessons. This is some of this best work. What an achievement!
A BIG SHOUT OUT this week to the Year 6 children as they completed a HUGE milestone in their primary educational career. This week, the children had to use their ‘Active Body and Active Mind’, ‘Nurture, Develop and Grow’, ‘Believe in Themselves’ and ‘Overcome their Obstacles’ rainbow values to ‘Paint Their Own Rainbow’. They only went and finished their Standard Assessment Tests (SATs)!
As I said to the children on Monday morning through a WEDUC newsfeed, “The SATs do not assess all of what makes each of you special and unique. The people who create these tests and score them do not know each of you the way that we do and certainly not in the way your families do.
They do not know how well some of you can sing or draw. They have not seen your natural talent for dancing or playing of a musical instrument. They do not know that your friends can count on you to be there for them, that your laughter can brighten the darkest day or that you participate in sports. They do not show that you wonder about the future, or sometimes help your little brother or sister after school. They do not account for the fact that you are kind, trustworthy and thoughtful and that every day you try to be your very best.
The levels you will get from this test will tell you something, but they will not tell you everything. There are many ways of being smart. You are smart! So, while you are preparing for the tests, and amid it all, remember that there is no way to 'test' ALL of the amazing and awesome things that make you, YOU!”
We were so proud of the children this week. They were determined, they persevered, and they gave it their all. Many arrived at 8.15am every morning to join us for a SATs breakfast and they rose to the challenge. What will be, will be now and we hope that the children can now (once again!) return to the Create term and enjoy the art, DT, music (etc!) and prepare for the future. This includes: their residential, plays, end of term fun and the all-important transitioning time into secondary school.
As I also said on Monday, the message above applies also to the Year 2 children, and they have now finished their preparations for the KS1 (Y2) SATs, which take place next week. Good luck to all the year 2 children.
Around school, all the other children are busy being budding artists, marvellous musicians, and creative designers. The work for the create term is developing nicely and the skills embedding is growing all the time.
Have a great weekend everyone and a special rest is ordered for the Year 2 and Year 6 children.
Warm regards,
Mrs Bates