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Head Teacher's Blog

Week Ending 21st January 2022


The national average for attendance in primary schools has always been approximately 96%. During the pandemic, attendance has fallen nationally. However, the latest national figures, for England, show that attendance is slightly increasing.


“Attendance in state-funded primary schools was 91.0% on 6 Jan, up from 88.6% on 16 Dec”.

I am proud to share that our whole school attendance is currently way above the current national average at 94.53% and only slightly below the ‘norm’ of 96% pre-Covid. In addition, we have 4 classes in outbreak management so I feel we are doing well.


All 14 classes, from Reception to Year 6, are above the current national average of 90.7%, and the classes in-line this week with historic national averages (96%) are as follows:


Red 1, Yellow 1, Green 1, Blue 2 (100%) and Violet 1


Head Teachers’ Awards this week have been awarded to:


Rosa – For writing a truly breath-taking piece of creative writing including the subjunctive mood. It gave Mrs Parnell goosebumps as she read it.


‘Elvis’ the chipmunk (with his wonderful sweeping brush) has awarded the cleanest classroom award this week to:


Orange 1, Orange 2, Yellow 2 and Blue 2


Once again, I covered different aspects of teaching and learning this week. This has entailed maths in Year 2, Times Tables Rock Stars in Year 4 and Morning Maths in Year 3! I’ve had a great week and school has a positive, developing vibe.


Covid, of course, continues to challenge us. Thanks for the patience and adhering to the guidance and measures at short notice. Keep safe and vigilant.



We hope that you all have a great weekend.


Warm regards,


Mrs Bates  
