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Head Teacher's Blog!

Week Ending 7th January 2022


The national average for attendance in primary schools has always been approximately 96%. The latest national figures, for England, show that attendance in schools is falling due to the pandemic. This is no surprise really  based on the increasing cases of COVID-19.

Attendance in state-funded primary schools, as of the 9th December, was 90.7% (down from 91.1% on the 25th November). I am proud to share that our whole school attendance is currently way above the current national average at 94.74% and only slightly below the ‘norm’ of 96%


All 14 classes, from Reception to Year 6, are above the current national average of 90.7%. The classes currently in-line with historic national averages (96%) are as follows:


Red 2, Yellow 1 and Blue 1 and Blue 2



The award of the neatest and tidiest classroom went to Green 1 this week. They were the first class to be awarded with the Elvis 'the chipmunk' trophy (with his sweeping brush) and they were delighted. The challenge is now on for the rest of the school.



A great week in school as we returned from the Christmas break. Cases of Covid are on the rise over the country. However, over Christmas, people have had the chance to spend it with their family and friends and this made a pleasant change from the Christmas many of us missed out on last year. I am aware that many of our families were affected by Covid this year, and many people were isolating over Christmas, so balance is now required.


The challenge is ensuring that schools remain open and children are able to learn, whilst trying to socialise and stay safe! We will do our best this end and hopefully the new guidance will begin to work – we shall see!


It was great returning to school this week to see bright, smiling faces and respectful children. I introduced our new Deputy head Teacher, Mrs Rachel Bailey, to all the classes on Tuesday and over this past four days all the children have been greeting her with cheerful welcomes and waves outside her new office window! This really has helped her to feel very welcome and she has settled in so well. Already, she has taught Mr Leyshon and Mrs Clarke’s class and there are plans over the next few months to have Mrs Bailey supporting Year 2 and 6 as we lead up to the statutory tests that they take part in during the summer term.


Walking into classes this week, we have seen children engaged in their learning, being creative and eager to discuss their learning with us. We have been shown some great pieces of home learning already and children really are enjoying the start of their geography learning.


Reception blew us away this week with the way in which their learning was based around the Gruffalo. They came on Tuesday dressed as a Gruffalo character, or using a prop from the book an. Baking with 60 children was no mean feat for the Reception staff, and together the children each made fruit skewer tusks, owl cupcakes, cookie crisp giant feet and Gruffalo sweet faces! PERFECT : )


A great first week back and lots more to conquer this term. Writing continues to be a big focus for us, particularly spelling!


Once again, Happy New Year and welcome back!


Keep safe,


Mrs Bates  

