Week Ending 17th December 2021
The whole school’s attendance is currently slightly under national averages at 94.64%, but is very consistent during difficult circumstances
Classes currently in-line with national averages (96%) for attendance are as follows:
Red 2, Yellow 1 and Blue 1 and Blue 2
Head Teachers’ Awards this week have been awarded to:
Harris – yellow 1 – For believing in himself and overcoming obstacles when completing his learning about the Nativity story independently. Keep believing in yourself – You can do it!
Evelyn - Orange 2 – For using different conjunctions in her super sentences, predicting what will happen in our story
Ivy and Reggie – yellow 1 – For their well organised story map. They worked brilliantly together to discuss, plan and record their story, using symbols. Well done to them both!
What a truly wonderful week in school. I started my week, Monday morning, by teaching both Year 3 classes. I loved every single minute and they worked hard on their times tables. We also enjoyed the Christmas clues during morning maths.
Monday then ended superbly with the performance of ‘Seven lessons and carols’ from the Year 5 and 6 children at Greasley Church. It was a very awe-inspiring, peaceful and atmospheric event and I enjoyed every single minute of it. Tuesday afternoon was much of the same! Thanks to everyone who sent messages of thanks and support. Well done to all the children and staff, who put it together during difficult times.
On Wednesday, the Reception children performed their Christmas event and WOW! What a show! Their first of many to come and already Greasley has some talented performers. The singing was beautiful and there were a few tears in the audience.
Parents and carers will have now received their child’s autumn term report. The one-page profile gives an insight of their child’s ‘Behaviour and conduct’, ‘Attitude to learning’ and their ‘on-track’ predictions for reading, writing and maths based on their attainment during the autumn term assessments carried out last week. Any questions on the report then please do get in touch and we can answer any queries, and have conversations, if required after the Christmas holidays.
On Thursday, we had Christmas lunch cooked by Steph and all the ladies in the kitchen. What a delight and we could hardly move in the afternoon! I personally love Christmas dinner day as I get my apron and serving tongues at the ready and help to serve over 400+ dinners. I don’t know how the ladies do it on a daily basis…it’s hot work! Thank you to all the ladies! DELICIOUS!
Today, we parted for Christmas wearing our sparkly and jingly jumpers, whilst celebrating all our new books for the library. When we set up the Amazon wish list, we never imagined the level of generosity we would receive. We can’t thank you all enough for the array of books selected from the wish list and we can’t wait to share the full photo collection with you after Christmas. THANK YOU and MERRY CHRISTMAS.
KEEP SAFE, EVERYONE and see you for the school return on Tuesday 4th January 2022. I will of course be in touch over Christmas if there are any changes to the school plans based on COVID restrictions.
Enjoy the holidays everyone!
Festive Wishes,
Mrs Bates