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Head Teacher's BLOG

Week Ending 3rd December 2021


The whole school’s attendance is currently slightly under national averages at 94.64%


Classes currently in-line with national averages (96%) for attendance are as follows:


Red 2, Yellow 1, Yellow 2, Blue 1 and Blue 2



Head Teachers’ Awards this week have been awarded to:


Hunter – yellow 1 – For very impressive work in maths and an improved attitude towards his work. He did a whole page of calculations, whilst using a number line very effectively


Hope – Green 2 – For her superb efforts in home learning. Hope regularly puts 100% effort into her homework, and we especially love her Ancient Greek Temple


Bethany – Orange 2 – For retelling our class story completely independently and for presenting her work so beautifully


Arthur – Red 2 – for working so hard in his phonics lessons and making amazing progress. He can write CVC words and is letter formation is ace


As we approach the Christmas countdown, we get busier and busier. Last week, the children completed their autumn term assessments, whilst squeezing in extra practise sessions for their Christmas events. This year, the events are low key as we were concerned with the prospects of further lockdowns, bubble closures or outbreak management procedures being forced upon us. We have everything crossed that the events go to plan and to get to enjoy the carols and readings performed by the children.


We have had a few incidents over the past week or two with parking around school and risky driving. There is very little we can do to police the way in which parents drive and park around school. However, there was a near miss on Friday, whereby a child was nearly knocked over by a car reversing at speed on North Street by another one of our parents. Apparently, a car spotted a parking space and slammed on its brakes and reversed at speed towards the space. This could have been dangerous, and I would urge all parents to be mindful of their driving and parking behaviours around school please.


In addition to this, I was also told by a staff member that parking on the school driveway (near the staff entrance on Greasley Avenue) is once again becoming an issue. Please can I ask that parents do not use the staff entrance for school drop off and temporary parking as this is preventing staff from getting through the gates to park ready for their shift. Teaching assistants generally start work at approx. 8.45am and therefore, this is causing a few of them some issues. Thanks for your consideration in advance.


On a brighter note, the highlight of my week was visiting the Year 5 children on Thursday for their 3-day residential to Castleton in the Peak District. Mrs Clarke, Mr Khan, Mrs Stevenson, Mr Smith and Mrs Lowe took the children on Wednesday to Castleton YHA, where they spent the three days with the children and YHA staff. Activities included:


  • Gem Panning;
  • Hiking;
  • Nature art;
  • Candle making;
  • Character identification from the village;
  • Feeding the goats;
  • Studying the village
  • …and BINGO!


Next week, we have the pantomime and we cannot wait…, ”Oh no, we can’t!” A reminder that the start time to the day of your child’s pantomime visit will be much earlier so get those alarm clocks ready and don’t be late! :)


Have a great weekend everyone!


Mrs Bates  

