Week Ending 19th November 2021
Classes currently in-line with national averages (96%) are as follows:
Yellow 1, Red 2, Yellow 2 and Blue 2
Head Teachers’ Awards this week have been awarded to:
Harper – Yellow 2 – For a mature approach to maths. She mastered column addition for two 2-digit number easily. She then went on to bridging the tens and was able to explain to me why we always have to start by adding the ones column first
Isla Jay – Indigo 2 – For an outstanding ode: Ode to an Imposter. She has chosen some really powerful abstract nouns to have an impact on her audience. AMAZING and so powerfully read to me too
Jemima, Abbie, Abigail, Seth, Olivia H, Isla, Olivia N and Martha - Red 2 – For being able to use their phonics knowledge and skills expertly to write words from the story ‘Look Up’. Words including jet pack, bag, cat, box, rocket and jacket! Very impressive work from our little ones this week…and they really are enjoying their writing too
Summer – Orange 1 – For fantastic writing of a conversation between the bear and the rabbit from their class story. Summer even remembered to use inverted commas to show what the characters had said
We continue to work hard through our curriculum plans and areas of development. We are extremely proud of what our inspectors discovered about our school during inspection, but as I have talked to the whole school about, we can only continue to get ‘better and better’. As I keep saying, I look forward to being able to share the outcomes and the report with you.
As we approach winter, coughs and colds continue to set in and Covid continues to challenge us. We do have cases in school and we continue to monitor the individual classes and situation. Can I please remind you that if your child has a continuous cough, high temperature and/or a change to their taste and smell then we have to take it that your child is displaying COVID symptoms and you should arrange for a PCR test to be taken. The LA wrote out to all heads this week to remind us that LFTs are not designed for younger children and, albeit helpful to identify asymptomatic people, they should not be used to identify if a child has COVID or not. Therefore, if your child presents with COVID symptoms then we will ask you to collect your child and take them for an official PCR. This is also the same for staff in school (and adults in general). We appreciate that this is a difficult time of year to establish what course of action is required, but under the circumstances we need to act in the interest of safety. We have just seen Blue 1 during COVID management restrictions, and I think everyone would agree that to be part of an isolating class, within the school building, is hard for everyone involved. Thanks for your understanding and consideration of others in advance.
A reminder to our Year 5 and 6 parents that next week we will be inviting local police into school to talk to the children about safe use of phones and photography amongst peers and wider. Mr Honey has arranged the event with local officers and we look forward to hearing the key messages (many of us are parents too and know the vulnerabilities that our youngsters face).
In terms of our local PCSO, we have had some conversations about local community anti-social behaviour. This has included after school behaviours from local youths and during the weekends. We are concerned about the number of teenagers trying to enter the grounds during the autumn darker evenings and weekends and therefore, we will be raising with governors over the next few weeks whether CCTV is a need for the school. I would like all parents and members of the community to please call 101 if they see anti-social behaviour in or around the school grounds beyond the school opening hours. Thanks for your support in advance.
On a brighter note, today we celebrated and supported Children and Need. We all came to school in either Pudsey related clothing or items of the brightest colours to show our support. Thank you to Miss Marvin for organising the day. We had fun and times of reflection and we raised money for this wonderful cause through cash and online donations. The final figure is being calculated and THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR THEIR SUPPORT. If you would still like to donate then you can using the school’s Just Giving page link as follows: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/emma-poxon1?utm_source=Sharethis&utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=emma-poxon1&utm_campaign=pfp-email&utm_term=eeb7b769e2e546f0b421f14ec26c5671.
“Together, we can!”
Have a great weekend everyone! Take care, look after yourselves and make memories,
Mrs Bates