It was so lovely yesterday evening to receive a Sunday message from Mrs Barrowcliffe:
I just wanted to let you both know how proud I am of Pippa. On Friday, I was asked to do the welcome speech at Rev'd Dodd's collation tonight. When I arrived at church this evening, I spotted Pippa and asked her if she would like to help me. We only had time for a quick practise but, when the time came, she came out to the front of the church and was able to tell Denise which school we came from and also that at Greasley you “paint your own Rainbow.”
She was an absolute star and was certainly less nervous than I was stood in front of the Bishops, Councillors and other important people. I have promised her 2 Dojo’s for tomorrow but I just thought you ought to know.
Mrs Barrowcliffe :)
We are SO proud of Pippa (Orange 2). After a busy week already, this was a huge achievement for Pippa and we are pleased that she was able to share our ethos and values with the church and its community
Thank you also to Mrs Barrowcliffe for representing the school last night. Rev'd Dodd is now a school governor and we look forward to making wider links with the church community over the coming months and years.