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Head Teacher's Blog

Week Ending 15th October 2021


Head Teachers’ Awards this week have been awarded to:


Amelia – Violet 1 – For exceptional effort with homework activities during the first half of the autumn term. She completed many activities and great pride was shown in all of her work. What a star! I loved the breadth of the pieces and the depth of knowledge across the curriculum that she shared. I don’t think I have ever given out 6 ‘Head Teacher Award’ stickers in one go, Amelia! Well done :)



As per the staffing update letter sent out this week, we have another member of staff who is joining the journey into motherhood. Mrs Bowen is due to have her first child in the spring term and we wish her all the luck during her pregnancy. In other parenting news, Mrs Henshaw has now started her maternity leave and we are eagerly awaiting news about the birth of her second child! How exciting, and I am sure you will join me in wishing her well.


During half term, we can also share that Miss Hanson will be getting married (Monday 18th October), and we can’t wait to see her pictures and memories. We hope that the weather is kind to her and her husband-to-be and that their mini-moon is a break to remember. Miss Hanson returns to Year One as Mrs Branigan.


We have had a great half term in school, since returning from the summer, in September. We have been working very hard on our 4 school priorities:


Priority 1: To develop the curriculum so that it provides clear progression in learning and clarity about what knowledge children need to know and retain over time


Priority 2: To strengthen subject leadership further across the whole school curriculum to drive improvement and raise pupils’ outcomes


Priority 3:  To develop a whole-school approach to writing to improve outcomes for all pupils


Priority 4: To develop and embed effective EYFS practice to deepen the knowledge and understanding of children in Reception


The children, staff and governors have been an absolute pleasure to work with this year so far, and I have high hopes for the developments this year. Our INSET day was focussed around the curriculum; monitoring and evaluating work and learning spaces so far; action planning; preparing for staff and pupil voice and considering future targets and discussions about behaviour. In addition, we want to ensure that all groups of children make progress and “know and remember more” over time.


We are proud of our developments so far, but please free to leave your views at Give your views | Ofsted Parent View, which always help to focus our development points and action planning,


Have a great half term everyone! A reminder that we return to school on Monday the 1st November after a two week half-term break.


Take care, everyone!


Warmest wishes,


Mrs Bates

