Week Ending 12th May 2017
This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:
Kenny – Year 1 – for fantastic effort in phonics.
Gabriel – Year 5 – for going above and beyond expectations in his homework.
Jessica will be spending the week with class 12 as they achieved 98% attendance and Wilf will be with class 2 as they achieved 100% attendance last week. Excellent!
Diary of the week:
SATs week always has a very different feel in school. Firstly, the school is exceptionally quiet in the mornings and secondly, Year 6 pupils just simply seem to change as they grasp the challenge firmly with both hands. I have felt immensely proud of them all this week. They were all here eager to go and their support for one another before and after the SATs was to be applauded. What was particularly special was the way that they haven’t lost their sense of humours and we have been able to share a laugh along the way. They have enjoyed a more relaxed day today, apart from those visiting Kimberley, and are looking forward to their ‘post SATs party’ next Friday afternoon.
A special thank you to the Year 6 team for doing what they do best and letting the children know that SATs are only a small part of what they achieve. Staff listed all of their other achievements for them to celebrate too! Also a special thank you to Steph for creating toast for 46 every morning. I have to confess to pinching a slice and it was lovely.
Elsewhere in the school, many children have also been doing assessments and have been working incredibly hard. Year 2 begin their SATs next week. They will take place over the next 2 weeks.
It was great to celebrate the achievements of the children in Gold book today. Still remains my favourite time of the week and the amount of parents and grandparents in the ‘Royal Box’ seems to increase week by week.
Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you all soon.