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Head Teacher's Blog

Week Ending 25th September 2021


Current attendance results, from September, are as follows:


Whole School Percentage is slightly below the national average at 95.2%


1st place goes to Red 2 for 98.6% attendance.

2nd place goes to Blue 2 for 98.3% attendance.

3rd place goes to Violet 2 for 97.2% attendance.


Current attendance results, for this week, are as follows:


Whole School Percentage is below National percentages, due to Covid absences, at 93.5%

1st place goes to Blue 2 for 98.7% attendance.

  2nd place goes to Indigo 2 for 97.6% attendance.

3rd place goes to Blue 1 for 97.4% attendance.


Head Teachers’ Awards this week have been awarded to:


Imogen – Indigo 2 – For working independently in maths to compare and order numbers up to 1,000,000. Amazing work, Imogen – well done!


Evie – Orange 2 – For finishing off her phonics jobs quickly and efficiently on her own and making great progress. I also loved how she was able to use the words of the day within her own sentences. Super job, Evie!


Aaron – Violet 1 – For some great use of language when writing about last year compared to now. It made for a super read!


Freddie – Violet 1 – For really showing some super application of sketching skills. He produced a fabulous pencil drawing of a Viking Warrior.


A really busy week in school and learning really beginning to ‘stick’ due to progressive and sequential lessons. I am beginning to see displays take shape and questions and knowledge building up over time.


This week, I have been looking at the work in books and we are already seeing huge progress in writing due to heightened expectations and lesson structure. The children are clearly working hard on punctuation and grammar and spelling and handwriting is on ‘the up’.


A few reminders:


  • Park behaviour needs to improve for some!
  • Pantomime payments need to be confirmed
  • Jewellery and hair accessories need to follow the uniform policy
  • Let us know if your financial situation changes as your child could be eligible for Pupil Premium funding
  • The registers close at 8.55am. If your child arrives after this time then they go to the office and unfortunately they will be classed as late.


Thank you to everyone for working hard and appreciating that this year is the year to get back to some form of normality and rigor.


Have a great weekend everyone!


Warmest wishes,

Mrs Bates

