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Head Teacher's Blog

Dear Parents and Carers,


Following the Prime Minister's announcement on Monday, all children are to return to school on Monday 8th March 2021. I am delighted to be sharing this news as we have spent the week making plans to ensure that we have a safe and considered wider opening. 


As we did last summer, and for September 2020, I have updated the following page of the website (Coronavirus Advice and Information | Greasley Beauvale Primary School) to include a number of documents to make the rules and arrangements for a safe return clear. Please can I ask that you read all documents again as there are changes, especially to the handbook for the wider opening and the behaviour addendum policy. We ask that you please follow the guidance and share this with your child also. 


We look forward to seeing you all again soon. Any questions then please give the office a call or email with your queries.


Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.


Warm regards,


Mrs Bates

