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Head Teacher's Blog

Week ending 8th January 2020


WOW...what a week in the world of education - I think the amount of communication this week shows how crazy it has been! Thanks for your understanding in advance.


I am lost for words and SO proud of our whole-school community. Parents and carers have been so supportive, children have been resilient and positive and my staff have been AMAZING!! 


We will continue to face whatever next week brings and tweak any plans where necessary.


This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


Sonny - Orange 1 - For writing his name independently and enthusiastically. He used great letter formation and consistent sized lettering. He was proud of himself and we are too! 


Holly (and her dad!) - Orange 1 - For making my day by acting out a story at home. Holly made a great narrator and dad was the best tortoise I have ever seen acting! : ) 


Well done everyone - keep safe and keep smiling! : )


Mrs Bates x
