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Head Teacher's Blog


Week Ending 4th December 2020


Current attendance results are as follows:


Whole School Percentage has increased to 96.95%


1st place goes to Indigo 2 for 98.52% attendance.

2nd place goes to Green 1 for 98.03% attendance.

3rd place goes to Green 2 for 97.97% attendance.



Wow, this week has been super busy as children (and teachers) have been working through assessments for the autumn term. As explained before, these will help us to unpick where the children currently are academically; what gaps they may have due to the time missed in school and what we need to do next in order to help them ‘catch up’. Naturally, due to the pandemic, children may have fallen slightly behind the national expectation or where they should be (based on last years attainment). However, we are hopeful that over time, the children at Greasley Beauvale Primary School will catch up and continue to develop into life-long learners with determination and drive. The teachers will be working hard on the marking of the assessments and completing the gap analysis to consider what needs to be taught over the coming weeks and into the spring term.


Autumn term reports will come out towards the end of the term and in the final week, the teachers look forward to talking to you about the progress your child/ren are making and what they may need to work on next. We also look forward to our first virtual parent evenings’ via Microsoft Teams. However, if this is something you cannot engage with then please let us know and we will call you instead throughout the final week of term. We have been using Teams for meetings, conferences and reviews since the start of lockdown and we have had to move with this pandemic technically. However, this is the first time we have tried a parents’ evening using online platforms. Please bear with us in advance. We will do our best to make it run smoothly, but there may be glitches and hurdles…we will endeavour to overcome our obstacles in the process if anything starts to go wrong J


Despite having assessments this week, we have all started to feel a little more Christmassy. The trees have started to go up and lights have begun to twinkle. I have heard Christmas music beginning to be played and we had ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ virtual pantomime into school yesterday and today. It was a huge success and the children really did enjoy the show. We will not let this pandemic beat us!! Thank you to everyone who made the contribution (and more in some cases!) We really are grateful and very pleased that the show go on!




A reminder that we will have a food bank collection over the next two weeks. As shared this week, the children can bring in any food parcels or packets over the next few weeks (on any day) and you may send more than one parcel on different days if, or when, you can. We are aiming to collect more food for the families of Eastwood than EVER before and we intend to make our deliveries (or have food collected by the food bank) in the last few days of term. A reminder that food should not go to the office, but be sent with the child into individual classes and then we will do the rest. Thanks in advance for all your help and support. Our community needs this more than ever before, especially over Christmas time! THANK YOU!


I hear that most families now have their Christmas trees up and houses are starting to look and feel festive. If not, then this is the weekend for it! Enjoy and have a good, safe weekend with your families…the first one in a while with a little more to do!


Keep safe, keep smiling and thanks for all the support in advance.


Warmest festive wishes,


Mrs Bates

Head Teacher

