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Head Teacher's Blog

Dear Parent and Carers,


Well, what a year! A year that we will never forget. A year that will go down in history and teachers will teach about one day! Unfortunately, COVID put a stop to ‘normality’, but it did not stop us doing what we passionately believe in. We have lived up to our vision and values and put the children and safety at the heart of the school community.


I have always believed that unexpected events can lead to unexpected gains. There are things in life, big and small, which define us and make us who we are. It has been a tough year for everyone in our community and we have come through it together. We will have better times ahead of us, but we aim never to lose the sense of community support and spirit, which has flourished over the last few months.


Before I look ahead to next year, I would like to reflect a little on this one first. I would like to thank all of you who have supported us in our decisions over the last 4 months and to those who have sent emails, messages and gifts to support both myself, the senior team and the rest of the staff. Overall, you have showed great understanding, patience and perseverance. What we all want now is for your children to return to full time school and receive a valuable education in safe surroundings. At this point, throughout lockdown and the wider opening, I am pleased to report that thankfully we have had no reported cases of COVID-19.


This year has been tough on all of our families. However, I would like to give a special mention to our year 6 children. They have had a different end to their time at primary school as they missed: SATs, their PGL residential, a leavers concert, SAT results to show their achievements and hard work and a normal transition into Year 7. We wish them all the very best for the future in their new secondary schools and hope that they take many memories with them.


Looking forward to next year, we have many positives ahead of us. In September, we are welcoming the new reception starters to Greasley Beauvale Primary School. We have specific activities for them on their first few days of transition, which will help our little ones to settle into their primary years. We have faith that their start with us is going to be a positive and safe one.


To all of our children, I would like to say that you have been very strong and shown incredible strength and bravery. You have helped in the fight against coronavirus by keeping safe, following the guidance and being true super heroes. This has been a tough time for everyone, but I hope that you will look back in later life with pride and understand the role you have played in helping others as well as yourselves. The main thing now is to relax over summer and have a proper rest (without home learning!).


Over the last week, we have sent home documents with clear explanations and safety guidelines for September. Please read and digest these carefully over the summer, and refresh before the return to school, as there are many necessary changes for your child’s safe return to school.  


I wish you a safe and happy summer. I know this year has not been what any of us wanted, but I speak on behalf of all of our staff when I say how much we are looking forward to seeing all of our children return. Personally, I cannot wait to see the WHOLE school back together on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 (albeit it in a staggered, different and safe way).


Thank you as ever for your continued support.


Have a safe holiday, keep positive and never forget to smile!


Yours sincerely,




Mrs Bates
