Week Ending 26th June 2020
This week, the following children have received recognition from me for their home or school learning through Class Dojo:
Scarlett – year 5 – For the way in which she has been choosing to carry out her learning at home. It has been impressive to see how she has chosen tasks to suit her interests and also selected projects of her own to carry out. She has loved many of the science experiments and has developed a wonderful love for ‘Japan’. She has even created her own art based sushi and learnt many facts about a country that she now is determined to visit one day.
Archie – Year 2 – For doing a great job with his home learning and working hard through the topics and tasks set each week. He is taking on all the top tips from Mrs Clarke and still using checking time and editing his writing. His handwriting has really developed over lockdown and he is also now taking time to correct spellings. Well done, Archie, you are overcoming your obstacles and nurturing, developing and growing indeed.
Leah – Yeah 5 – For setting up ‘Cassey the Covid-19 snake’ in Collier’s Wood and going back to check up on the length of it. Cassie the snake now has 310 beautifully decorated stones and pebbles weaving through the wood. What a super community project, Leah. Well done.
Hattie – Orange 1 – For working extremely hard every day and sending Mrs Barrowcliffe lots of work. A couple of weeks ago, the children were also set a task to watch “When I coloured in the World” as part of their English and Hattie was looking for ways to make the world a better place. She and her parents discussed how some children don’t have clean water to drink and she wanted to do something to help. Last weekend, she completed a 10 day sponsored litter pick of her local area and raised £300 for Water Aid. What a super achievement.
Well, what a different week it has been again. This week, we saw the Reception and Year 1 children return to school after being on lockdown since the 23rd march 2020. It was so exciting to see more families walk through the school gates and there were so many smiles, excited skips and stories to be told as the younger children returned. I have been with a reception bubble this week and I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to their stories, taking their questions and sharing their hopes… “I wish this virus would go away, Mrs Bates!” I have also enjoyed the bubble mixture, playing shadow tag (because we can’t touch) and running around in the grass. I am very proud of our young ones!
Year 6 are now on their second week back and they are getting into their new way of schooling. We are very proud of the children and couldn’t have wished for their returns to school to have gone any better. Thanks to all the parents for putting your trust in us and enabling your child to return to school at a very difficult time.
This week, we have started ‘Loom’ sessions, talks, messages and assemblies and hopefully this will allow the children to see snippets of teaching material from their actual teacher. We have enjoyed this new way of working and look forward to doing more Looming over the coming weeks. We hope that the children are enjoying seeing the teachers and find this is a safe way of connecting to school. Continue to upload your learning as we really enjoy seeing what you are learning and the progress you are making at home.
We continue to get questions about the prospect of more children coming back to school. At the moment, our position has not changed due to staffing capacity in school. Despite 2m social distancing reducing to 1m over the next week, our bubbles still need to remain at 15. Of course, I will keep you posted if arrangements are to change before the end of term.
With regards to transition, the Senior Leadership Team have a meeting on Tuesday to plan for this. The whole staff team will be notified of the plan on Wednesday and then transition activities, messages, calls and Looms/videos will commence.
Annual reports are now complete and they will supplement the academic update that you received in the spring term. They will be emailed out next week from Monday through to Wednesday. Due to partial school closures, and a whole term of school being missed for some, the report is in the form of a letter to the children. For progress and attainment information, please refer to the spring term report that you received at the start of lock down. Information about teachers for next year will be provided next Friday.
Have a great weekend everyone. Keep safe and keep smiling,
Mrs Bates
Head Teacher