Week Ending 19th June 2020
This week, the following children have received recognition from me for their home or school learning through Class Dojo:
Conor – Year 3 – For a super piece of maths work, using addition and subtraction to create a picture
Harper – Reception – For amazing work on her portfolio and lots of posts per day. We particularly liked her piece of writing about a book she has read as she asked some super questions using question marks.
Madeleine – Reception – For writing an amazing story about finding a rocket and ‘drifting away’ into space to see lots of the planets. A very impressive piece, which was beautifully presented.
Dylan – Year 3 – For following lots of instructions well and completing a good amount of work in class. Work has been completed positively and attitudes have improved.
Harry – Year 4 – For an improved attitude towards his learning and completing tasks positively and to a good level. When reminders have been given, he has become focussed again and worked really hard with increased positivity.
A special mention to the Brown and Oldham families this week. They set up a sponsored charity animal walk last week to raise money for animal parks and zoos across the Midlands. I shared their Just Giving page on the last BLOG and already they have nearly £1000 in sponsors. In addition, Theo and Ethan stared on the BBC News East Midlands and we were very proud to see them live. It showed their story and some photographs! What great community spirit. Well done to the parents too for supporting this charity work. What kindness! If anyone wants to donate to this worthwhile fundraiser, please see the link in the previous posts.
Well, what a different week it has been. This week, we saw the Year 6 children return to school after being on lockdown since the 23rd march 2020. It was amazing to see them and they managed to fit into the new school ‘norm’ very well.
Next week, we welcome back the Reception and Year 1 children and we can’t wait to see them too! My communication letter in the previous post shares the school’s current position on wider opening. We look forward to ‘Loom’ing next week. Enjoy!
Have a great weekend everyone and Happy Father’s Day to all of our dads and daddies.
Warm regards, keep safe and keep smiling,
Michelle Bates
Head Teacher