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Head Teacher's Blog!

Week Ending 4th November 2016
This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:
Jack – EYFS – for amazing writing about dinosaurs.
Imogen – EYFS – for amazing writing about dinosaurs.
Lara – Year 6 – for expert use of the frog method in Maths.
Naomi – EYFS - for amazing independent maths work.
Oliver – Year 6 – for incredible WW2 homework.
Jack – Year 6 – for his amazing WW2 card game.

Diary of the week:

It’s great to be back after the half term holiday and everybody has ‘hit the ground running’! It was lovely to see so many of you at parents’ evening, it was the best attended parents’ evening that we have ever had, with 100% in most classes, so thank you for that. I am sure that you found the autumn term reports informative, there is no statutory expectation to produce 3 reports a year, but we do find that it helps when we are all completely aware of what is going well and what the targets for development are.

We have a very busy half term ahead as we move towards the festive season, starting with our school disco on Tuesday. Many of the classes have school trips planned over the forthcoming weeks and we are beginning to learn the songs for the school productions. All details of these are available in the school calendar. I will be sending a school newsletter out shortly containing all of the key dates.
