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Head Teacher's Blog

Good afternoon everyone,

Another day in school and missing you all dearly. It's very strange with so few children in school, but we are all thinking about you and hope you are well, safe and engaged in your home learning activities.

Again, no assembly for Rainbow Rewards this morning. However, I want to make a shout out to lots of the staff, who have been keeping an 'Active body and active mind' and 'Nurturing, developing and growing' their talents...with their football toilet-rolling skills.

I thought you would all like to see what the staff have been up to during school closures...

Click on the link below and it will give you the option to download. It will give you a pop up asking to sign in to iCloud. However, if you ignore this, you can click 'download' on the bottom left of the pop up.

We REALLY hope that you enjoy it. Why don't you connect with your teachers and tell them what you think of the staff's skills? :)

Missing you, everyone. Take care...and remember to keep smiling!

Best wishes,

Mrs Bates