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Head Teacher's Blog

Week Ending 31st January 2020


This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


Alfie – Yellow 1 – For his retelling of the ‘Great Race’ story. He has included a clear story structure, which he has brought to life with his careful sentences. Super presentation too!


Layla – yellow 1 – For her retelling of the ‘Great Race’ story. Fantastic writing and presentation; but most importantly, an enjoyable story for any reader.


Ella – Orange 1 – For writing her name all by herself, using an example model as a guide. She really is developing her letter formation and independence.


Isabella – Orange 1 – For an amazing storyboard of the ‘Beegu’ story that we have read so far. Isabella is trying really hard with her handwriting and punctuation. It was beautifully neat too. We are very proud of you.


Aaron – Blue 2 – For mastering short multiplication AND fantastic presentation and concentration.


Imogen – Orange 2 – For writing a beautiful letter to Beegu, asking her to come to our playground. Imogen has tried really hard to keep her writing super neat also.


George – Orange 2 – for working really really hard on his writing, which he did with Miss Schofield today. He used his phonics well and remembered finger spaces.


This week, the following children have received positive praise:


Hope – Violet 1 – For achieving fantastic results outside of school at Scouts. Hope has achieved her silver award for all of her hard work. She gained the top award for Cub Scouts at 1st Greasley Cubs group. Well done, Hope!


Alfie – Green 1 – For becoming a role model within his class and showing some of the other children how improved decision-making and choices can really make a difference. Alfie is engaged in his learning, making lots of effort and becoming more curious and inquisitive. He is polite and a pleasure to have in school! Well done, Alfie, very proud of you!


Current attendance results are as follows:


1st place goes to orange 1, yellow 1 and violet 2 for 100% attendance.



Another hard-working and busy week in school. Following the writing focus from the previous two weeks, children have been working on their use of vocabulary, perfecting handwriting and considering the ways in which sentences are ‘stacked’ and put together to form a coherent piece of writing. I am very proud of the progress that children are starting to make! With the persistent approach from the teachers, and high expectations, I hope for some great pieces of finished writing and authentic outcomes over the course of the spring and summer term. I think that the number of Head Teacher Awards this week (for writing) shows the impact the work is having already.


Unfortunately, this week, I have once again received complaints about the parking surrounding school. I am told that parents are once again parking up curbs (onto the pavements) and blocking driveways of the residents. There have been reports of parents not being considerate to other drivers and blocking people in also. I once again urge you all to be careful when driving/parking near school and please let’s keep the children’s safety at the forefront our minds at all times please. I would hate to hear of a child being hurt during these busy times of the school day. Thanks for your support and understanding on this matter in advance.


Have a great weekend everyone.


Warm regards,


Michelle Bates

Head Teacher
