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Head Teacher's Blog

Week Ending 13th December 2019


This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


Kenny – Blue 2 – For creating a fantastic ‘I am, I wonder’ poem. He also persevered when things got tough. Well done, Kenny.



Current attendance results are as follows:


1st place goes to Red 2 for 97.9% attendance.

2nd place goes to Orange 1 for 97.8% attendance.

3rd place goes to Orange 2 for 97.7% attendance.



Another fantastic Christmassy week in school. It all started with the Christmas festivities at the annual Christmas fair. On Monday evening, we opened the doors for this event and it was fabulous. The majority of the fair was organised by the children, as all classes had a £50 budget to make and sell a product (for a profit!). We saw baubles, Christmas tags, reindeer food, friendship bracelets, baked biscuits and much more. We also had some parents selling items on stalls and once again our raffle and tombola was a huge success. I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped out to run a store, Steph and the kitchen staff for the refreshments and to Mrs Barrowcliffe for running the event and planning it all at short notice. A big thanks to the children and staff who stayed behind after school and of course to the parents for coming along to support. The event was a huge success and it made just under £1400…a whopping achievement and great news. The money will be placed into school fund and then we will decide what our next school project will be. Last time, it was the school playground projects…what could be next?


On Wednesday and Thursday, the reception and Key Stage 1 children performed their Christmas show of ‘Donkey’s first Christmas’. This play was written by Miss Schofield, in her own time, and it was truly brilliant. It was a sensational performance and the children really shone. We had children as young as 4 in the performance and their stars really did shine. There was an array of different characters and I really was very proud of them all. Once again thanks to all the teachers and TAs for their work on the play, to the children for learning so many lines and songs and to the parents for coming along to watch them and support. Thanks again to Steph and Anne for the refreshments! It was truly another fantastic event.


The week ended well with Mrs Parnell’s Christmas choir performing in the school hall for their ‘Carols and coffee’ event. They were very professional and the way that they conducted themselves was admirable and inspiring. The choir sang 5 Christmas songs excellently and they even got a whoop and a cheer from their audience. Thank you to Mrs Parnell for her input into the new school choir…they could not get to that standard, that quickly, without her professional and musical talent also.


Another thanks to Steph and all the donations this week. We have made another £476 for school fund! Wow and thank you!


A fantastic week in school. Next week, we have the year 3 and 4 Christmas performance and the year 5 and 6 carol service. I can’t wait and we really will be ready for Christmas by Friday 20th when we break up.


Have a great weekend everyone.


Warm regards,


Michelle Bates

Head Teacher
