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Head Teacher's Blog

Week Ending 8th November 2019


This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


Leah Hurd – Indigo 2 - For consistently working hard sorting out pyramids and presenting her work to a high standard.


Current attendance results are as follows:


1st place goes to Orange 2 for 98.7% attendance.

2nd place goes to Blue 2 for 98.5% attendance.

3rd place goes to Violet 2 for 98.2% attendance.


A super week back in school. The children came back respectful, ready to go and were well prepared for learning. Topics and ‘big’ questions resumed from last half term, and I am loving talking to children about their learning. We are testing out the ‘sticky knowledge’ that children should be remembering and children really are able to talk about their current learning and knowledge learnt weeks ago. Remember you have the project place mats for the terms learning…why not test your children out too.


In school, we continue to think about our curriculum as a school and the ways in which we plan knowledge and skills over time (as well as short term in year groups). We are proud of the subject offers we have in place and all of our hard work can be viewed on the website at


Next week, we have ‘No Pens Wednesday’ and this is where children put down their pens and focus on speaking and listening to raise the awareness of speech, language and communication needs. This was a huge success last year and we look forward to the activities throughout the day.


Have a great weekend everyone.


Warm regards,


Michelle Bates

Head Teacher
