17th October 2019
(Before the excitement of our Times Tables Rock Stars Day tomorrow)
This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:
Sophia – Orange 1 – For independently writing her very own diary entry about the book ‘Wild’. She confidently wrote in the first person and used the correct punctuation.
A super busy week in school this week (to end the half term). I have spent the week walking around school and popping into lessons to look at the children’s ‘Discover’ books and monitor attitudes and behaviours to learning. I am very pleased with the results and proud of the children and staff. We continue to aim high and look for improvements all the time.
One of the developments we are making across school is to the Curriculum of Greasley. We are teaching sessions that build on knowledge and skills and are providing the children with the 'cultural capital' for the next stages of their educational journey (and life). The curriculum across school currently feels lively and exciting. Children are engaged in material and the lessons ultimately lead to an authentic outcome.
I saw a great example of this, this afternoon, when our year 2 children taught their parents about the Great Fire of London in their parental engagement show. This used their knowledge of a recent workshop to provide readings, songs and actions to show their learning. I saw the fire erupt and spread, the houses burnt down and the devastating effect that this had on London all those years ago. Thank you, year 2!
Also, thanks to all of the year 5 parents who came to view the work on show within the classrooms at the end of the day. The children enjoyed getting their work ready and showing off what they can do.
Wednesday morning was also fabulous as the reception opened up their doors for a ‘Book and Butty’ morning. The children shared their stories to the adults, whilst they enjoyed Stephie’s bacon and sausage butties. What a treat and a great way to enjoy reading. One of our governors, Richard Wood, was part of the event and he thoroughly enjoyed the reading climate and incorporation of the butties. Thank you to everyone who became involved and enjoyed the event. This was an event that was highly successful and we will be considering whether we roll this out across school. Watch this space…
On to sport…
On Wednesday, Mrs Parnell took a team of year 5/6 children to the cross country event at Hall Park Academy. This is always a great event and this is what she had to say about it…
“I was lucky enough to support the Greasley Cross Country Runners this Wednesday for the year 5/6 Cross Country at Hall Park.
From first light on Wednesday morning, the weather was doing everything to stand in our way. However, in true Cross Country style, nothing could prevent it from going ahead and a very excited team of runners made their way to Hall Park to compete.
After a brief warm up, the Year 5 girls were the first to run and I have to say at this point they had the worst of the rain. Did this stop them? Absolutely not! Then, the year 5 boys ran, followed by the Year 6 teams. There were some individual brilliant performances but perhaps what struck me most was how much all the team were there to cheer on each other 100%.
Congratulations to everyone who went"
On top of this, our new football team won their first match against Holly Hill this evening. The game ended as 2-2, which led to extra time, penalties and they eventually won on sudden-death penalties. We are very proud of the team. Thank you to everyone who took part and the footballers who took part in the trials. Also, a big thanks to Mr Leyshon on his management of the football team and the staff and parents, who spectated.
This afternoon, Mr Leyshon also hosted our first assembly to congratulate the children who had achieved their first red bookworm on the Rainbow Readers journey. All of the children, who have read 25 times so far this half term, were acknowledged and thanked. Ollie Hubbard won the personalised bookmark - well done, Ollie! Thank you for your support with this at home. Reading is so important and we are very grateful for your co-operation in this new initiative in school.
This week we welcome a new teaching assistant to the team. Mrs Drabble is going to be working in reception and if you see her then please take time to say hello.
Remember that tomorrow is our Times Tables Rock Stars day…I can’t wait to rock my wig and accessories!
Thanks for all of your support this half term. Its been busy, hard-working, fun and enjoyable!
Warm regards,
Michelle Bates
Head Teacher