Head Teacher's Blog!
Week Ending 25th November 2016
This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:
William – Year 3 – for his incredible diary entry with excellent words and adverbials.
Josh – Year 5 – for his unbelievable effort in Maths lessons.
Chloe – EYFS – for counting pins in 10’s
Jessica will be spending the week with class 8 due to 100% attendance.
Diary of the week:
A very wet start to the week with constant rain on Monday leading to wet playtimes. I am delighted today however, that I did not have to speak to a single child - so well done to them all! Assembly on Monday was great when we enjoyed another chapter from our favourite story "The adventures of the wishing chair".
We have reminded the children to keep washing their hands as sickness is sweeping through school - even the teachers have been caught out!
On Monday night we had our Parent Parliament meeting. We had a really good discussion about parental engagement with school and how this can be improved, the new assessment system and how we use pupil premium to support some of our children. It was a super meeting and it would be great to see some new faces at the next meeting.
On Tuesday, I began my progress meetings with staff. This is where I get the chance to talk about your children and the progress they are making. This was further developed on Wednesday when the Senior teachers and I had a good look at the children’s books. The books tell me that your children are making really good progress and that they have a super attitude to learning. Presentation for most children was super and we will be ‘on the case’ for those where this was not the case.
Year 3 had a great day out at Brackenhurst and have been very keen to tell me all about it. Educational visits add so much to our curriculum and I am really pleased that staff are so creative when planning the half term’s activities.
Today saw the collection of chocolate for the chocolate tombola – Oh Yummy! There is so much, I might just stay here for the weekend.