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Head Teacher's Blog

Week Ending 13th September 2019


This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


Isaac, Paige and Miley – Indigo 2 – for being resilient in problem solving; working hard to solve the problem and being successful. Books also look fabulous and lots of work to show a great start to year 5.


Olivia – Yellow 1 – For her smart, detailed writing. Olivia used ideas from the image to write sentences including adjectives. What a great start to learning in year 2 books.


Roman – Orange 1 – for his fantastic positive attitude to learning. He independently completed a very tricky maths problem and was determined to succeed. He was able to discuss the different ways to represent numbers.


Che – Blue 2 – For his incredible effort, concentration and learning in rounding numbers.


Positive praise home is as follows:


Theo – year 2 – For a GREAT start to year 2! A super attitude to learning and a super smile so far in class. Keep this up, Theo


Current attendance results are as follows:


1st place goes to Orange 1, Orange 2 and Violet 1 for 100% attendance. Well done to all of those classes



Well, I cannot believe that that is the end of the first full week back already! I have visited all classes throughout the week and the children are really in full swing. Learning is productive and effective and new topics really are underway. Children are being respectful and are engaged with learning and this can only continue to get better as they further-settle into their new classes and routines.


On Monday, the Year one children learnt about how babies and toddlers grow up and develop into children. A number of parents came along with their own children and were available to answer the year ones questions. I was very impressed with the whole event and the children absolutely loved being around the little ones and their mums.


During the end of the summer term, Mrs Jamson and I hosted a curriculum and vision event. This was to explain the vision and values of the school, information about the new curriculum and the direction of the school for this academic year. We have decided to run the same presentation again for new parents and anyone that could not make the summer term session. We will run the session on Tuesday after school (17th) at 3.20pm-3.50pm in the hall if you are interested. Everyone is welcome.


Finally, I would just like to inform you that this term we will be doing our assessments slightly later. Assessments for the autumn term will take place in November to allow the children to settle into the year group and develop their knowledge of the curriculum first. We will then use the data from the assessments to write their informative autumn term report. Consequently, parents evening will be slightly later this year and will take place week commencing 2nd December 2019. In the meantime, if you have any questions then please speak to class teachers and of course we have open lines of communication through Class Dojo.


Have a great weekend everyone.


Warm regards,


Michelle Bates

Head Teacher
