Week Ending 5th July 2019
What an absolutely fantastic week in school! An array of different activities - all of which enhanced our curriculum and gave the children extra experiences…
This week, we have seen our year 6 and year 2 children go on their residentials. Year 6s visited PGL for 4 days and year 2 had an overnight stay camping at Wollaton Hall. They all had an amazing time and they experienced activities and challenges away from home and the school building. I am so proud of them and a huge thanks for the time and energy that the staff put into the visits!
This week, there has also been an enormous amount of transition starting. On Tuesday and Thursday, we welcomed our 4 and 5 year olds, who are due to start Reception in September, into school. They had a great start and settled well – we think they are going to make excellent additions to the school. In addition, our year 6 children spent a day in their new secondary schools ready for September. I hear that they did themselves proud and worked hard. They certainly enjoyed it.
On Wednesday, we opened up the doors again for another parental event. This time, it was the year 5s hosting their Big, fun quiz of the year and the parents were tested on their knowledge of Harry Potter, Space and World War 2. Lots of fun was had by all.
On Thursday, Year 4 also had a great day taking part in another sporting competition. Here is what Mr Leyshon had to say…
This week, Blue 1 and Blue 2 went to the TB Sport End of Year Celebration Event. We had an incredible time and both classes showed a fantastic level of skill, determination and compassion throughout a very sunny day of sports! We competed in basketball, football and dodgeball events against 6 schools and, though we did ourselves proud in all sports, the football teams from both classes stole the show again! Blue 1 won our group, as did Blue 2 in their separate group, so they met us in the final. Blue 1 came out victorious after a tight final, ending 2 – 0. The team (and, in fact, the whole class) are very proud of our trophy, that is currently spending some time in class with us! Blue 2 also reached the basketball finals, but unfortunately were defeated.
The day also consisted of some coaching sessions (athletics, tag rugby, football and tennis) run by local clubs/coaches, which were also great fun.
Mr Leyshon 😊
I think you’ll agree that we’ve had a great week in school. Have a great weekend everyone, and I look forward already to another super week next week. Sat results…recorder assembly…singing…last Rainbow Rewards assembly…reports and new teacher news!
Warm regards,
Michelle Bates
Head Teacher