Head Teacher's Blog!
This week, the following child received a Head Teacher’s Award:
Finley – Year 1 – for his super effort in Maths.
WILF will be spending the week with class 11 due to 100% attendance and Jessica will be spending the week with Class 8 with 99% attendance.
Diary of the week:
What a week! First of all, can I say thank you for the amazing messages of support received in school this week. It has been super!
Let us begin by talking about our partnership with you. I have written out today to let you know about a session I will be holding for you all. During this session I will talk a little bit about the findings of my research and will go onto explain the partnership descriptors. This will finish with a question and answer session.
So what else has been happening this week?
First of all, I had forgotten to praise the amazing group of parents who raised £1700 during a very successful Christmas Fair. A great event, enjoyed by all!
The nativity this week was absolutely amazing – I loved it! What joy and fun can be had with a tea towel and a piece of string. Costumes looked super, a cracking production.
Year 2 enjoyed a trip to Morrisons and Year 5 have ventured out to the cinema. A busy week for us all.
Today I have had the privilege of watching the ‘Concert of light’ rehearsal from beginning to end. It was absolutely super and you are all in for a treat next week. This is the first year of my career when I have not been leading the concert for the children and I cannot begin to say how very proud I felt this afternoon of what they had all achieved. Miss Busby, Miss Marvin and all of the staff have pulled together to put a great show on. You will love it!
Have a great weekend and I will see you all soon.