Head Teachers Awards
Archie and Jude - Year 3 - For amazing understanding about fossils. They were able to use some scientific vocabulary and interpret pictures and real life examples. They were confident with their explanations and thrived on their achievements. Well done, boys!
Head Teacher 'Shout Out'
Riley - Blue 1 - I wanted to give Riley a shout out for his positive and kind behaviour at playtime this morning. I was on duty today and the Year 4 boys were playing football. Riley soon spotted that the Year 3 boys had lost their ball and they could not play. He came straight to me and said, "They can join in with us if they like" He sorted the teams and they positively played together until Mr Smith brought another ball out. One Year 3 boy said, "That was such a kind choice"
I was so proud of Riley and it really showed his developing maturity and a great choice.