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Head Teacher Update

Good afternoon,


It's been a very busy day in school today. Our KS2 children ventured out into Mansfield to see 'Aladdin' at the Palace Theatre. We all had a great time and many memories were made. The children learnt about the etiquette of the theatre and followed the story through the world of musical theatre well. Thanks to all the staff for all the organisation and to the parents for helping out with ratios for a safe trip. 


Further children with a Head Teachers Award this week are:


Charlie - Yellow 1 - For writing a fantastic piece of work about a dragob. Charlie made marks for meaning and was able to talk through his story too.


Lewis - Violet 2 - For persevering with his personal target linked to his handwriting. Hard work and determination is really paying off. Well done! 


The link to this week's newsletter is:


We hope you all enjoy reading it and hope have a lovely weekend.


Kind regards, 

Mrs Bates
