As we approach the end of the half term, I want to thank you all for your commitment during Autumn 1. We have had many successes and developments and this week especially has seen the TTRS and Numbot dress up day, non-uniform day and 2 successful parents' evenings.
Thank you for all your colourful donations towards the raffle prizes for the Christmas fair - we are very grateful!
Please see the link to the weekly newsletter for news stories this week and upcoming events next half term:
Well done to all the children who have been in Rainbow Rewards this half term. We have worked really hard on the values of 'Respect and Acceptance' and 'Inclusive yet Individual'. We have excelled in 'Overcoming our Obstacles' and using 'Wonder and Curiosity'. Well done, children! The certificates this half term have shown how hard children are working and what they have prioritised and shone in.
Have a great half term holiday. I hope you are all safe after the heavy rain today. Look after you and yours and we will see you all again on Monday 6th November (NO INSET DAY!)
Happy holidays,
Mrs Bates