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Head teacher awards for the week...

Luella - Yellow 1 - For confidently completing her maths work first after listening carefully and following instructions well.


Libby - Yellow 1 - For completing some fabulous dictated sentences, remembering to segment and spell words carefully and to use sentence rules. 


Lawson - Indigo 1 - For an excellent piece of descriptive wring, where he concentrated on sentence structures, descriptive language, speech conventions and editing to make his work the very best it could be.


Charlie - Green 2 - For always showing 'Respect and Acceptance' to everyone! He is so kind and thoughtful without even realising it! Just keep being you, Charlie! :) 


Martha - Yellow 2 - For absolutely AMAZING writing that far exceeds the writing standard of a Year 2 child. Martha's writing is well-crafted with a variety of sentence starts and lengths. Her vocabulary is well-chosen for purpose, audience and impact and adds an incredible imagery in the reader's mind. Not only this, but Martha really cares about progressing in writing and has used her target from her last writing conference to make progress and develop a new writing skill. I was WOWed by her writing and maturity today. As a result of this, I was able to discuss with her new skills that I have every confidence that she could develop. We even talked about paragraphs! WOW! Well done, Martha. Keep up that reading too because, as you said, the reading is helping you become a better writer :) 


Jonah - Green 1 - For being absolutely inspired whilst learning about volcanoes. He has worked incredibly hard on his detailed and accurate model volcano, which has amazed us all! 


Evie-Jade - Green 1 - For completing an incredible piece of writing describing the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. She worked on this independently with so much pride! So much progress, Evie-Jade! Well done.


Anessa - Orange 2 - Her amazing writing and using adjectives in her sentence. She independently wrote her sentence by herself. Well done :) 


Summer - Orange 2 - For her determination with her phonics. She tried really hard to use her phonics to write the sounds to make the words. Well done, Summer :) 


Priya - Orange 1 - For fantastic writing about her planet. She did a great job remembering her full stops and capital letters. 


