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Head Teacher Awards for the Summer Term so far...

Head Teacher Updates


Archie  - Year 3 - For his fantastic sequencing frame, telling his story about him working at an animal shelter. Really proud of you, Archie. Well done!


Hunter - Blue 2 - For fantastic engagement and enthusiasm with the money topic in maths. Keep this up.


 Bliss - Orange 2 - For having an amazing week. She has done all of her work. This is her amazing Geography that she has done on her own. Well done, Bliss.


Kelly - Yellow 2 - For his hard work in statistics this week. Kelly has completed a tally chart and then shown his findings in a pictogram and a block diagram.


Dylan - Indigo 2 - For his biography on Harriet Tubman in English. He works super hard on including lots of facts and presenting his work beautifully. Dylan had a continuous smile on his face throughout and was very proud of his achievements when talking these through with Mrs Bates. FANTASTIC!


Samuel - Orange 2 - For an amazing week! He has done all of his 'have to' work. Samuel has been using his words to communicate and made all the right choices. 
