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Head Teacher Awards

Head Teacher Awards 


Another reflective end to the week by looking back and zooming in on all the 'stand out' moments over the last two weeks for the following children:


Jenuli - Rainbows - For fantastic work identifying rhyming words - jar, star and car


Remi - Yellow 1- For a fantastic attitude to learning. He is becoming more independent and has stopped saying, "I need help!" lots.


Hunter - Indigo 1 - For overcoming his obstacles and working extremely hard on his column addition.


Ben - Blue 1 - For all his hard work on ancient Egyptian day! He has remembered key facts, debated how Tutankhamen died and did some fantastic painting. Well done!


Freddie - Rainbows - For fantastic ordering of the numbers 1-4.


Harri - Violet 1 - For her resilience in working hard when learning to multiply a 4 digit by 2 digit number and then applying her learning to word problems.


Blayne - Yellow 1 - For showing an active body and active mind. Blayne worked super hard with number bonds to 20 this morning with fantastic recording.


Ozzie - Violet 2 - For demonstrating a great confidence when tackling problems using multiplication, particularly where there is more than 1 step - well done


Thomas, Kelyn, Jacob and Dylan - Year 3 - For outstanding behaviour and manners on our school trip. All boys followed instructions, showing they were ready, respectful and safe (school rules) throughout the day and journey.


Phoebe - Red 1 - For her brilliant art work in our English lesson and trying really hard to write not only her own name, but 'Mummy' and 'Daddy' independently.


Matilda - Red 1 - For connecting her learning by using her phonics knowledge in our English lesson to write initial sounds for members of her family.

