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Head Teacher Award Updates

Award updates as we end the week on a REAL HIGH ...


Bluebell - Blue 2 - For a fantastic piece of writing and AMAZING Roman knowledge used. Well Done!


Summer - Reception - For AMAZING effort and progress in phonics. Well done, Summer :)


Anessa - Reception - For growing in confidence and contributing in group activities. AMAZING!


Dylan - Orange 1 - For AMAZING effort in artwork, Dylan. He really contributed when curling the paper to make the lion's mane.


Toby - Yellow 1 - For consistently completing homework with great care and enthusiasm. Toby particularly enjoys exploring the natural world and has sent some great photos and videos from home. AMAZING


Sienna - Orange 2- For always trying her best and having pride in her work. She has blown everyone away with using her phonics; planning, editing and publishing her narrative


Olivia - Orange 2 - For her consistent hard work, using her phonics and planning and producing a fantastic narrative 


Hunter - Green 2 - For overcoming his obstacles and getting over a hurdle. He worked really hard when he across a problem and challenge. Great independent thinking. Well done


Lots of AMAZING news and rewards this week. Well done, everyone!


Mrs Bates :)
