Open Afternoon
You will receive your child’s school report this Friday and open afternoon will be on Wednesday 24th July 2024 between 2.30pm-3.15pm. This will be an opportunity for you wish to visit your child’s classroom, look at work and ask any questions.
For safeguarding purposes, you will have to enter by the main entrance and sign in on arrival. You will be able to take your child/ren afterwards but will leave by the main entrance and sign your children out if you leave before the end of the normal school day. Paper registers will be by the main entrance on tables and a member of the office/team there to support.
Thank you for your co-operation with this plan. This will allow us to ensure that the children are safe by not having all gates open. The school gates will open at the normal time ready for the end of the school day.
Thank You
May I take this opportunity to end the school year with a thank you. We have had a phenomenal year of change and some amazing things have happened at Greasley:
New Rainbows Nursery
OPAL School
Thinking School
Pop-up Swimming Pool
Many sporting achievements
Many parental events
SEND Cuppa and Cake Chats
Residentials, trips and workshops
Fundraising events. We end the year on almost £7,000 since the Spring term – THANK YOU SO
Key Term Dates
A reminder that the final day of the summer term will be Friday 26th July 2024 at 3.15pm and children return to school on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 8.45am (Monday 2nd September is an INSET Day)