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Deputy Head Teacher's Blog!

Week Ending 13th January 2017
This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:
Ashton – Year 4 – for fantastic persuasive writing using AFOREST techniques.
Matthew – Year 6 – for exceptional effort in Maths and conquering fractions.
Lexi – EYFS – for trying so hard with her writing.
Dylan – EYFS – for achieving ‘Awesome Accomplished Author’

WILF will be spending time with class 14 for 100% attendance this week and Jessica will be visiting class 12 for 98.9%. Great results for such a cold and wintery time of year.

Diary of the week:

Well, following the first full week back at school, I am pleased to report what a productive and busy time it has been. The children are now getting stuck into their topic work and working hard to make the improvements they need to reach their targets. We are so proud of all the teachers, TAs and children as everyone is working to their optimum. School has a great feeling at the moment and everyone is being so positive!

On Wednesday, we had a surprise visit for the children from two gentlemen, Jim and Dougie, from the Eastwood District of the British Legion. During the assembly, they talked about the purposes and benefits of the ‘Poppy Appeal’ and the fact that we raised the most amount of money in the Eastwood District. We even beat the secondary schools in the area and we are very proud of the impact that we have potentially made to the soldiers and their families. Logan, from Pupil Parliament, was presented with the ‘Memorial Cup’ and this will be displayed (along with our certificate) on the trophy shelf in the entrance.

Pupil Parliament also had an important meeting with Anna Soubry this morning, who is a Member of Parliament for Broxtowe in Nottinghamshire. Together they discussed current agendas in school - what they have been working towards and what they plan to do in the future. They were also provided with time to talk to Anna about her work as a Member of Parliament. This was a great opportunity for the children and was enjoyed by all.

From myself, Mrs Chambers and all the teachers, we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated over the Christmas period to the ‘Just Giving’ page which was set up by Miss Busby. We were raising money for the ‘Action Medical Research’ charity for children and their families by singing the well-known ‘Band Aid’ song. This can still be found at  if you would like to view. We are delighted to say that we have excelled our target of £400 and have currently raised £600 (which is fantastic!). Thank you to everyone that donated over the Christmas period and beyond. Any further donations can still be made at . Thank you so much.

After the snow flurry this morning, I hope that you have a warm weekend and continue to keep safe. Take care,

Mrs Bates
