I now have the school results from Mr Leyshon and I am pleased to say that they were AMAZING...
Out of 12 schools that took part, we came SECOND overall for the boys team and FIFTH for the girls. We are very proud of all the competitors. William, in year 5, deserves a special mention as he was SECOND in the boys race overall and was awarded with his silver medal.
Mr Leyshon commented on how fantastic all the runners were and how they supported each other on the day!
We are exceptionally proud of how the children across school are doing in local competitions and how as a school we are now regularly on the 'score board' as we are 'nurturing, developing and growing' our talents through our 'active bodies and active minds'.
A HUGE well done to Mr Leyshon in his positive attitude to sport, the increased level of practise and preparation for events and the overall increased participation in events within the local community.
Another positive post for the school, sports leader and all the competitors.
A very proud Head Teacher