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Coronavirus symptoms, testing and isolation

Symptoms to look out for

Anyone displaying the following symptoms should stay at home and must not enter the school premises:


  • A high temperature – being hot to the touch on your chest or back (the NHS website states that you do not need to take the temperature);
  • A new, continuous cough – coughing for more than an hour, or three or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual);
  • A loss of, or change to, a person’s sense of smell or taste –  losing your sense of smell or taste, or things smell or taste different.


We advise that everyone remains vigilant for the above symptoms and avoids exposure to anyone who is displaying these symptoms and/or has tested positive for coronavirus.


When to self-isolate

Anyone who is unwell with any of the symptoms outlined above and/or tests positive for coronavirus will need to self-isolate for the next 10 days. If they do not have symptoms, but are living with someone who does, they will need to self-isolate for the next 14 days. Those who need to self-isolate must not enter the school premises until the necessary self-isolation period has ended.


Those who have been exposed to somebody with symptoms of coronavirus do not need to self-isolate unless they develop symptoms themselves or test positive for coronavirus.


What to do if you need to self-isolate

You must notify the school that your child needs to self-isolate and how long they will need to self-isolate for. Contact the school office as soon as possible ( or 01773 712128).


Getting tested

If symptoms are present, staying off school for a day or two is not enough. As soon as the symptoms are discussed with us (coughs and temperatures) then a test will need to take place. You can get your child tested for coronavirus via self-referral if they are displaying symptoms or live with someone who is displaying symptoms. Your child must not come to school if they need to self-isolate.


You need to get the test done in the first five days of having symptoms. You must notify the school office of the result of your child’s test as soon as possible.


When to return to school

If your child has been unable to attend school due to displaying symptoms of coronavirus, they can come back to school after 10 days of self-isolation, or if they test negative for coronavirus. If your child has been unable to attend because someone in your household has tested positive for coronavirus or displayed symptoms, but they do not develop symptoms, they can come back to school after 14 days.


Contacting the school

You will need to contact the school as soon as possible in the following circumstances:


  • With information that you or someone in your household is showing symptoms of coronavirus and cannot attend, where necessary;
  • With the results of any relevant coronavirus tests;
  • With concerns or queries.


Please contact the school office should you have any concerns or queries about the information outlined in this letter.


How to help reduce the spread of infection

It is important that everyone in our school community does what they can to help reduce the spread of coronavirus to protect themselves and others. Please remember that it is possible to spread coronavirus even if symptoms are not present.


Please ensure you and others in your household consider the following actions whenever possible:


  • Staying at least two metres from others, except for people in the same household and/or ‘support bubble’;
  • Washing hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after coughing or sneezing;
  • Using hand sanitiser if soap and water are not available;
  • Washing hands upon arrival and departure from the school and home;
  • Using a tissue to cover coughs and sneezes;
  • Throwing used tissues in the bin immediately;
  • Avoiding contact with the mouth, eyes and nose with unclean hands;
  • Wearing PPE where necessary, e.g. wearing face masks on public transport;
  • Avoiding car sharing wherever possible. If this is required then try to distance and wear a face covering.