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  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 30 Nov 2018 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 30th November 2018



    Attendance figures this week are as follows:


    1st place goes to year 2 for 99.3% attendance.

    2nd and 3rd place goes to Year 1 and year 4 for 98.3% attendance.


    Positive praise home is as follows:


    Music Success…

    I would like to inform you that some of our children entered Selston music festival last Saturday. Mrs Deb fox has worked with some of our musicians for a number of years and was pleased to inform me of their progress. She says that they all played superbly with such confidence, whilst also supporting each other. They all entered the party piece section and won medals.


    Jessica M, Charlie-May H, Ruby W and Beth P went against each other in the grade 1 -3 section, coming joint 2nd and 3rd.


    Katherine C entered grade 4-6 section, put on an outstanding performance, and came 3rd.


    Mrs Fox entered 3 groups: Greasley A and B and Ilkeston Brass beginners Band. Greasley A group included Katherine C, Ruby W, Charlie M, Beth P and Jessica M. Greasley B group included Amber W, Amelia W and Katherine C. Ilkeston beginners brass group included Jessica M and Hannah M, plus other beginners ranging from 6 to 80 years old. They were all outstanding competing against singers and other musicians of all agers.

    Greasley A group came 3rd with an outstanding performance of Pony Ride.


    Mrs Fox wanted me to share with you how fantastic all the children were and what they have achieved.


    Nurture, Develop and Grow


    Sport Success…

    On Thursday, we were delighted to find out the results of the Cross Country event that took place a few weeks. The following children did an amazing job and all who came in the top twenty:


    Year 5 boys

    3rd – William

    13th – Archie

    15th – Tyler

    17th - Frazer


    Year 5 girls

    6th – Millie

    14th - Essie


    Year 6 boys

    19th - Alfie


    Year 6 girls

    16th - Maebh


    We were then ecstatic to find out that the children, who had placed in the top 6 of each event, had been entered in to the county cross country finals at Wollaton Park in 2019.


    A huge well done to William and Millie in year 5, who will take part at this event and represent the Broxtowe team. An enormous achievement and we are very proud of them.


    Also, a massive high five to all the children, who took part and pushed themselves to their limits. They all represented Greasley Beauvale Primary School so well.


    Active Body and Active Mind


    Week Ending 30th November 2018


    Another super week…


    What an exciting start to the week. Monday morning started with a visit to Forest Town Primary School, where Mrs Thompson and I went to look at their ‘Tree House’ nurture room provision. A nurture room is something that we are striving to set up in school and will be part of our community room in 2019! A very exciting prospect and something that many of our children will benefit from. Take a read of the research around nurture provision and what we plan to achieve:



    To enable this project to become a reality and success, we are asking for kind donations towards the provision. Miss Thompson is going to be leading on this fantastic project, alongside a team of TAs, and this week she has already sent out a letter asking for your help.


    At this busy time of year, many of you will now be clearing out the bedrooms, playgrounds, loft and toy boxes. If you have any unwanted items and need a good home for them, then the community room is the perfect place and we will ensure that they go to good use. Thank you in advance for any of the following items:


    • Toys
    • Lego
    • Brick-a-brack
    • Books
    • Storage
    • Musical instruments
    • Cuddly toys
    • Beanbags
    • Rugs
    • Lamps and bright lights
    • Footstools
    • Cushions
    • Small sofas/armchairs
    • Jigsaw
    • And more…the list is endless

    Thank you in advance as we enter into this very exciting prospect for school. We believe that a nurture room really will make a huge difference to some of the children’s time in school and prepare them with valuable life skills ready for the different stages within their educational career.


    On Tuesday evening, I had a great meeting with the governors and members of the Senior Leadership Team where we finalised the School Improvement Plan for 2019. As a school, we are concentrating on further developing teaching and learning and ensuring that your child’s lessons are highly engaging through challenge, high-quality questioning, explanations and modelling. We are also working on delivering the leadership of all subjects, at all levels, and considering the curriculum for 2019…a new focus for Ofsted teams!


    On Thursday, to begin looking at the impact of the targets already in place from the School Improvement Plan, I did a learning walk with Mrs Pam Tulley (Chair of the Strategic Governor Committee). She was very impressed with what she saw and the provision in place. Some of her comments were as follows:


    “Children were engaging with the Rainbow Values well”

    “Clearly, the children understand the new approach to marking and this enables them to make good progress”

    “Behaviour was good across school”

    “Children were very happy to talk to me about their school rules”

    “There was a good level of excitement within classrooms and challenge was developing throughout”

    “Outcomes were clear”

    “There was an appropriate level of confidence shining through in classrooms”

    “There is a good level of reciprocal and mutual respect between adults and children”

    “Overall, the children are using the Rainbow Values and learning resources well to develop independence”


    A very pleasing walk and visit from one of our highly committed governors, Mrs Pam Tulley.


    Have a great weekend everyone and try to stay warm and dry.


    Warm regards,


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 23 Nov 2018 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 23rd November 2018


    Attendance figures this week are as follows:


    1st place goes to Blue 2 for 100% attendance.

    2nd place goes to yellow 1 for 99.6% attendance.

    3rd place goes to Indigo 2 for 99.1% attendance.


    Week Ending 23rd November 2018


    Another week closer to Christmas already…flying by, but I am happy to see that the children remain hardworking and dedicated to their learning.


    A busy start to the week and it all started with our termly drills to practise the roles, responsibilities and routines during fire and lock down procedures. It always saddens me when we have to practise such routines. However, it is part and parcel of the health and safety of our children. I am pleased to say that we got the children out safely during the fire drill in under 2.5 minutes. We planted a simulated fire at the bottom of one of the stairwells and once again, this did not faze the children or staff. It took less than an additional minute to do the registers and everyone was at safety.


    A lock down drill is always a little more difficult for the children to understand, but once again the children took this in their stride and the staff did a great job of keeping the children calm and safe. We locked the doors of the classroom, pulled down the blinds and children were sensible about sitting under tables or getting to the closet place of safety.


    In both situations, the children were incredibly mature and I was very proud of them. Our staff did a great job of performing the drills diligently and therefore, I have every confidence that in the sake of a real emergency, we would be able to keep our children safe and away from potential harm.


    On Wednesday, Mr Leyshon and the staff took a group of children to the Active Sports event at Kimberley Leisure Centre. I was told by the children, and Mr Rod Petman (our Chair of Governors), that everyone did us proud and had a fantastic time. I also hear that the ‘Drumba’ was a huge hit and showed the children also how much fun keeping fit can actually be.


    On Thursday, we had another exciting opportunity. Mrs Jamson, Miss Busby, Miss Marvin and Chris Buck took a group of children to Kelham Hall for the singing event with Mark DeLiss. Once again, I am told that the children performed brilliantly and learnt a lot about high aspirations in life and aiming high.


    A great week in school and I am truly proud of how hard everyone is working.


    On a more serious note, parking continues to be a problem around school. I am told that there was a ‘near-miss’ with a child from Foundation 2 (EYFS) and a van this week and I really would urge everyone to be safe and considerate when parking close to school. I have done everything I can with letters, emails and links with the local beat and PCSO. However, I would please continue to ask that everyone parks safely around school i.e. not blocking the paths and parking on the actual pavements. I am aware of social media coverage, links with the papers and online petitions. Please try to keep our children safe, as I am sure no one wants to see an accident close to school and a child get hurt.


    Thanks very much in advance.


    Warm regards,


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher

  • Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 16 Nov 2018 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 16th November 2018


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Oliver – Y3 – for overcoming his obstacles and staying focussed on a piece of tricky maths work


    Maizie – Y5 – for having an amazing week; staying focussed in the afternoons in class with a super attitude…AND smiling LOTS!


    Amy – Violet 1 – For going above and beyond in her homework! Amy created a wonderful thought-provoking soldier with facts that she had learnt in the lead up to the centenary.


    Week Ending 16th November 2018


    Wow... second week down already and the Nottingham light switch on really shows that Christmas is well and truly approaching!

    This week has been another busy week and an enjoyable one at that!


    Monday and Tuesday had a true disco excitement feel and the neon themes were a huge success. Thanks to everyone who participated and for the parents, who supported the event. The two nights made a grand total of £770 and thanks hugely to the Greasley Hub, who arranged the events for the children. This is a substantial amount for school fund and we are very proud of their efforts. Without the Hub’s work last year, and raising £4,500, Project Playground would not have been possible. Thank you to everyone.


    On Thursday, the year 5 children looked fabulous as they ventured into their Viking experience! The children spent a whole day in the hall with an authentic Viking lady, who taught the children all about the way in which the Vikings lived; cookery, weapons, clothing…and more. The children were fabulous and thanks again for your support.


    Friday was also fabulous and the highlight had to be Children in Need. Presenting Rainbow Rewards in a Pudsey onesie was a personal highlight and seeing the sea of yellow, spots, creativity and imagination was just brilliant. The day continued with Pudsey biscuits, fashion shows and more. Thanks to Miss Marvin for arranging the day and fashion show, Mrs Barrowcliffe for all the biscuit baking and all the staff and children to throwing themselves into their charity work. Parents, you were fabulous too with your creations - thank you!


    Have a great weekend everyone and I look forward already to another super week next week

    Warm regards,


    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher

  • Head Teacher's Blog!

    Fri 09 Nov 2018 Mrs Michelle Bates

    Week Ending 9th November 2018


    Hello everyone,


    What a fantastic start to the second half of the autumn term. On Tuesday morning, when the children returned to school, I couldn’t have been any prouder. I walked around school to see all the children in their different classes and all were smart, respectful, ready for learning and had kept themselves safe over the holidays. It was so lovely to see the children and staff again and we are ready and raring to go for this half term. One of our governors also commented on Tuesday what a great atmosphere there was in school and how happy and settled everyone seemed after the holiday.

    Our INSET day on Monday was around positive behaviour management and ways in which we can further support children with specific needs in school. We talked at length about our behaviour policy and the ways in which we can improve behaviour to learning also. In addition to this, I met with local head teachers today around how, as a group of schools, we move forward with behaviour consistency and ensure that as a family of schools we have similar policies and practice.


    Our DT club over the last 3 weeks has been a huge success; the children have worked fantastically as part of a team, used cooperation and fantastic imagination to create our three wonderful sculptures… Ian the Jellyfish, Barbara the octopus and Travis the turtle! On top of all that, they have showed a great empathy for their environment and really engaged with the huge plastic problem we are encountering at the moment. On Tuesday evening, the club finished their plastic sculptures and we will be sending off our entries to the competition this Friday. In support of our entry, we will also include a short video, which shows the children hard at work! It will include some short interviews with some children and staff and lots of photographs of the creation process. The children are really excited about this opportunity and we really believe we have a chance of winning! I look forward to sharing the results with you.



    Please view the below link which just goes to show what a great school we have. We have entered into a competition about the damaging effects that plastic is having on us locally and globally. I am so proud of the staff and children. I think they deserve some recognition for this and if Ofsted want to see a curriculum that doesn't focus just on tests, data and a narrowed curriculum, this is how we do it as GREASLEY BEAUVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL 😊



    In the main corridor this week, we had a Viking invasion of long ships and the homework projects from the year 5 children is well displayed and demonstrates the pride, effort and enthusiasm they put into this work. For anyone that sees them, I’m sure that you’ll agree that the work and craftsmanship is of a very high standard and the children deserve a huge well done for their efforts and time with their parents during Home learning.


    On Thursday morning, I also watched the year 4 parental event, where all the children were dressed as Roman soldiers, gods, goddesses or ladies. They looked fabulous (including the staff!). I heard readings from the children, read articles from the Pompeii news, looked at the artistic mosaics and witnessed Roman war defence lines. The parents were then invited to try roman bread and trial mosaic designs for themselves. A great event and so lovely to see so many of you in school.


    Today, we obviously gave our respect to all the soldiers, and their families, as part of the First World War Centenary. The children took part in activities throughout the day and year 6 children have also been to meet members of the Greasley Parish Council and made cards in respect of the soldiers of Eastwood during the first world war. Every class did activities around Remembrance and the work produced was stunning. The work in the hall from all classes, including year 4 homework projects, is stunning and well worth a viewing.


    Thanks for your continued support in school. Have a great weekend everyone.


    Warm regards,

    Michelle Bates

    Head Teacher
