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  • Head Teacher's Blog!

    Fri 26 May 2017 Donna Chambers

    Week Ending 26th May 2017

    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:

    Alfie – Year 4 – for consistently achieving 50/50 in the Year 4 spelling test and challenging himself to try the Year 5 test, achieving 46/50.


    Diary of the week:

    What a super week we have had in school and how wonderful it is to see the sun shining!  I really hope that this continues for us all into the half term holiday.

    This week, key stage 1 children have continued to sit their standard assessment tasks and we have been really impressed with their positive attitude and hard work.

    I have started my rehearsals with the year 6 children ready for the graduation ceremony.  Already they are singing beautifully and I know that you are in for a ‘right treat’.  They have been making me laugh, but I don’t want to spoil the production by telling you about it!

    I know that Mrs Bates wrote about the new website last week, but I have to add to that.  I think it is great and it is so much better to use!

    Yesterday we had a day of mixed emotion.  At 11am we all went out onto the school field to have a minutes silence to think about the people of Manchester and the ordeal they have had to endure.  The children walked onto the field impeccably.  The level of respect and empathy was almost overwhelming and it saddens me that our children have these experiences in their young lives.  At the end of the silence, we chose to applaud in an attempt to send positive thoughts particularly to the children, young people and their families.  A memorable moment.


    In the afternoon, we were back on the field, full of excitement and enthusiasm for our annual sports day.  This was a huge success and I know that you will join me in expressing my sincere appreciation to Miss India Marvin for ensuring its success!  Having the three activities meant that none of the children were sat for too long in the glorious sunshine and that their time in the arena was focused and well spent.  The children all also enjoyed the ‘potted sports’ activities and of course the time spent in the ‘athletes village’ enjoying juice and a biscuit.  It was great to see so many of you there and thank you for your patience when moving the children from one event to the next.  A perfect afternoon. 

    As usual gold book was great this morning and it was lovely to see the of light blue as children were all in their summer uniforms.  We have ended the half term with a jolly good sing along. A super end to what has been a fabulous half term.


    Have a great holiday and we will see you on Wednesday 7th June.

  • Deputy Head Teacher's Blog

    Fri 19 May 2017 Michelle Bates


    Week Ending 19th May 2017


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


    Archie – Year 3 – for creative Maths homework

    Maebh – Year 4 – for super area homework


    WILF and Jessica will be spending time in year 6 due to the 100% attendance in both classes.


    The golden dustpan and brush award, for the tidiest classroom, goes to class 11. Well done to Miss Busby and her children :) 


    Diary of the week:

    Wow…Friday again already! A week on from the Year 6 SATs and they have been busy beavering away with their writing. We are very proud of their attitude to learning and wish them well with their writing journey over the forthcoming weeks.


    Year 2 children have also been busy this week as their SATs commenced on Monday. We have been extremely proud of their commitments and focus, and we could not have asked any more of them. SATs continue into next week for the Year 2 children and we wish them luck and support as they finish them off. Please remember that the tests are actually only a small part of the work that children do all year round and are used to inform the judgements and assessments that teachers make at the end of the year (along with all the other knowledge that they have of the children!)


    A reminder that we no longer want to see fidget spinners in school please. We allowed the children time with their fidget spinners (when the craze first started) and we were open-minded about their use. Over the last week, we have had a number of issues where the children are either distracted by them, falling out with their peers or becoming distressed when they get mixed up their friends or break. They are a toy to most children and we have always discouraged toys, cards and collectables as they normally result in problems. Thank you for your support with this new rule.


    I hope that you will have all had chance now to look through the new website, which was launched on Wednesday. We have been through a period of transition and therefore some of the pages from last week can not be uploaded and we still have a few pages and links to add. We are extremely pleased with the new site and feel it is much easier to navigate, whilst having a very professional yet friendly feeling. Mr Tom Fisher has worked really hard on the introduction of the website and we hope you enjoy looking through the different pages and links.


    The whole school have had an exciting opportunity today to pot plants ready for the sale on Grandparents’ afternoon, which will take place on the 8th June. The plants were generously donated to us by Barbara Thompson and the money raised will all go towards school fund for future projects and requirements. The children have thoroughly enjoyed their potting sessions and will have chance to create a pot design also.


    As I stated in my last BLOG, we are always striving to listen to parents and try to judge ‘where we are at’ as a school. It is always great to hear what we are doing well, but also what we could do better. Parent View is a website, which gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about school, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullyinigand poor behaviour. The survey can be completed at any time and you do not have to wait until the school is being inspected. If you would like to give your views on our school then please click on the following link:


    Again, we have had a super week in school and the children are really reaching their true potentials now. We are on a ‘Journey to Outstanding’…and the children truly are just that!


    Have a super weekend…even if it continues to rain!


    Warm regards


    Mrs Michelle Bates

    Deputy Head Teacher





  • Head Teachers Blog!

    Fri 12 May 2017 Donna Chambers

    Week Ending 12th May 2017


    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:

    Kenny – Year 1 – for fantastic effort in phonics.

    Gabriel – Year 5 – for going above and beyond expectations in his homework.

    Jessica will be spending the week with class 12 as they achieved 98% attendance and Wilf will be with class 2 as they achieved 100% attendance last week. Excellent!


    Diary of the week:

    SATs week always has a very different feel in school.  Firstly, the school is exceptionally quiet in the mornings and secondly, Year 6 pupils just simply seem to change as they grasp the challenge firmly with both hands.  I have felt immensely proud of them all this week.  They were all here eager to go and their support for one another before and after the SATs was to be applauded. What was particularly special was the way that they haven’t lost their sense of humours and we have been able to share a laugh along the way.  They have enjoyed a more relaxed day today, apart from those visiting Kimberley, and are looking forward to their ‘post SATs party’ next Friday afternoon.


    A special thank you to the Year 6 team for doing what they do best and letting the children know that SATs are only a small part of what they achieve.  Staff listed all of their other achievements for them to celebrate too!  Also a special thank you to Steph for creating toast for 46 every morning.  I have to confess to pinching a slice and it was lovely.


    Elsewhere in the school, many children have also been doing assessments and have been working incredibly hard.  Year 2 begin their SATs next week.  They will take place over the next 2 weeks.


    It was great to celebrate the achievements of the children in Gold book today.  Still remains my favourite time of the week and the amount of parents and grandparents in the ‘Royal Box’ seems to increase week by week.


    Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

  • Head Teacher's Blog!

    Fri 05 May 2017
    Week Ending 5th May 2017
    This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:
    Matthew – Year 5 – for amazing effort in Maths.
    Adam –Year 3 – for fabulous verbal input and application of skills in Maths.
    Travis – Year 1 – for going above and beyond with fantastic Maths.
    Scarlett – EYFS – for great independent writing.
    Archie – EYFS – for great independent writing.
    Wilf and Jessica will be spending the week with class 2 and class 4 as they achieved 100% attendance last week. Excellent!

    Diary of the week:
    I would officially like to recommend that we have a bank holiday once a month and I know that the children agree with me because I asked them! It was great to enjoy the longer weekend and of course to see everybody come bouncing back in on Tuesday raring to go.

    I am so proud of the year 6 group this week, they have used the week so well in their final preparations and I have every confidence, as Mrs Bates said last week, that they will shine. It has actually been a reasonably quiet week in school and I have enjoyed seeing children for head teacher’s awards.

    As you are aware, this week I have shared with you all the news that I will be leaving in the summer. I will keep you informed with reference to the selection process for the new head teacher. I explained to the children on Wednesday and some of their priorities really made me smile, they included; “can we still sing songs”, “Will they re-paint the school?”, “Can we still have gold book?” and “Can we keep WILF the puppet?” I have agreed to let Miss Busby adopt WILF, in order for him to stay in school!

    I am in the process of creating the May newsletter, in which we will list all of the key dates coming up. Just a reminder that sports day in on Thursday 25th May (weather permitting) and I look forward to seeing you at that and the many other events we have planned in between now and the summer holidays.

    Have a great weekend.