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Year 3


 YEAR 3!


The classroom doors will open at 8:45 and children can begin making their way in. The school day begins at 8:50. The classroom doors will close at 8:55. Anyone arriving after this time will need to enter through the school office at main reception. The school day ends at 3:15pm. 


Our Learning


Welcome to the Spring Term!


We hope that you have had a lovely holiday and spent lots of times with your loved ones! We are very excited about the term ahead. 


In our English lessons, we will reading lots of Greek Myths. We will be retelling a Greek Myths using paragraphs, inverted commas and and adverbial phrases. We will continue to write mutli-clause sentences and use expanded noun phrases. Within our reading, we will summarise information and make inferences. 



In maths, we will learn to convert cm into mm and m into cm. The children will be learning about fractions, including how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. 



In science, we will start our new topic on 'Plants.' We will be able to identify and learn the function of the different parts of a plant. We will explore the life cycle of a plant including seed dispersal and. 



In RE, we will be learning about Jewish celebrations. 



In PSHE, we will be finding out about keeping ourselves safe.




In history, we will be learning about Ancient Greece. We will learn about the first Olympics and the events which they took place in. The children will learn some of the main characteristics of the Athenians and the Spartans. They will also find out about the influence the gods had on Ancient Greece. 




In our computing lessons, we will spend time getting used to using the Chromebooks to create a piece of music. We will also ensure that we keep up with TTRockstars too!



In PE, we will working on our creative skills and in our outdoor PE sessions will be participating in Athletic sports, preparing for Sports Day!



In our French lessons, we will be learning the words for animals. 



We are so excited for the term ahead, we hope that you are too!

The Year 3 team. 🙂





