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Head Teacher's Blog!

Week Ending 8th February 2019


This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


Orange 1 - Lexi - For creating, designing and decorating a detailed drawing of a flower in science. Beautiful work and very accurate! 


Orange 2 - Layla - For writing some FANTASTIC instructions on how to make a carnival mask. She accurately used time conjunctions and her handwriting is beautiful.


Green 1 – Travis – For ‘believing in himself’ and being confident enough to do some mathematical arithmetic using mental methods to arrive at the correct answer.


Green 2 – Che – for ‘nurturing, developing and growing’ his talents. Che has been super focussed on using clearer punctuation and more accurate spellings, improving pace too!


Current attendance results are as follows:


1st place goes to Orange 2 for 99% attendance.

2nd place goes to Blue 2 for 98.% attendance.

3rd place goes to Yellow 2 for 98.5% attendance


Week Ending 8th February 2019


A great week in school this week. Many different things happening and children and teachers working hard and keeping busy.


Mr Leyshon’s week was a little different this week as he took his class along to the Links project. This involves our school linking with other schools in different communities. His class met up with another class from Rylands (Beeston) at Newstead Abbey. Here is an account from Mr Leyshon about the day:


“Our trip involved a design and technology project with amalgamated groups from the two classes in the morning. Using sticks and tape they had to create a 3D structure to base a lantern style creation on. Then, they used glue and tissue paper to create the walls/outside and put a fake candle in for the lighting effects. This was a super activity for their communication, cooperation and leadership skills as they all took on different roles with children they barely knew. A lot of independence was developed as they had to work out a lot of the task by trial and error and sharing what worked well with their group.


The afternoon was based around a book called Beegu with a drama activity in which children in mixed school groups had to role play an alien landing on earth. They explored his emotions and also played the role of helpful children that introduced him to some of our local area’s standout features. Children had to focus on what made their local environment unique and appreciate what it offers to their community – this was a challenge for some, and required some guidance, but everyone persevered and made some good discussions!”


(Mr Leyshon, Year 4, Blue 2)


Year 1 opened their doors this week also for their parental event. This is what they experienced and focussed on:


“Year 1 invited parents into the classroom, to get creative, as part of their Carnival topic this week. The parents helped the children make carnival masks, using many different art materials. They were fantastic; full of colour, sparkle and artistic flair. It was lovely to see the children's personalities reflected in their work! Thank you to the many parents who came, and for joining in with bags of enthusiasm!”

(Year 1 Team)


We are linking much more with schools within the local community and beyond currently. We have some exciting plans with the local schools for the summer for a ‘Big Sing’ event (details to follow) and looking also into ways in which we can support some of our children with special needs, across the family of schools, by employing a 'Primary Family SENCO'. We are also linking with other Nottinghamshire schools to share good practice and moderate judgements. It’s a busy and exciting time and the school is on a journey to be more outward facing and make sustained improvements for the benefit of the children.


Safer Internet Day was on the 5th February!

Safer Internet Day 2019 was celebrated globally with the theme: Together for a better internet.

This Safer Internet Day was bigger than ever! With more than 2,100 organisations and schools across the UK getting involved to help inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.


Have a great weekend everyone and I look forward already to another super week next week. Remember it is Rainbow Week and on Friday 15th February, we are having a Rainbow-themed day! The children are allowed to wear non-uniform with a plain t.shirt (of one of the colours of the rainbow), along with rainbow coloured accessories. Be creative and let’s have a great day celebrating our new vision and values. A reminder:


Our Rainbow values are:


Respect and acceptance – “Everyone is equal, everyone is unique”


Active body and active mind – “Take ownership over your health and well-being”


Inclusive yet individual – “Embrace diversity and be proud of who you are”


Nurture, develop and grow – “Persevere and take risks with your talents  and potential”


Believe in yourself – “Be confident in your choices”


Overcome your obstacles – “Be brave, show resilience and challenge yourself”


Wonder and curiosity – “Ask questions and seek answers”



At Greasley Beauvale Primary School, follow the Rainbow Values to


“Paint Your Own Rainbow

Warm regards,


Michelle Bates

Head Teacher
