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Head Teacher's Blog!

Week Ending 6th January 2017
This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:
Louie – EYFS – for fantastic independent writing.
Tilly – EYFS – for amazing writing and independent use of diagraphs.
Isaac – Year 2 – for excellent focus in maths when investigating money.
Diary of the week:
Happy New Year to you all!

It was great to see the children back in school on Wednesday looking great and full of stories about the Christmas holidays. Our theme of the week is ‘turning over a new leaf’ and it was lovely to hear about the new things the children were going to try to do in 2017. We have decided as a school to simply make the best of every moment!
We start the year with a celebration, as Mr Leyshon became a father to a beautiful baby girl, who they have named Taylor. I am sure that you will join us in sending our very best wishes to Ryon and his wife Dee. Mr Leyshon will be returning after his paternity leave during the week commencing 15th January.
Yesterday we had ‘spaghetti maths’ in to do assembly – they run after school clubs and the children really enjoyed their presentation! This is run independently of the school, but might interest some of you. Have a super weekend and I will see you all next week.